Bug #4696
Title bar doesn't refresh after rename during Save Archive
Added by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago.
Updated almost 15 years ago.
If you File => Save Archive, rename your Untitled workflow, and then cancel on the save to kar dialog, the workflow's been renamed but the title bar doesn't reflect this.
Also when you use the new Rename context menu item on the canvas, the listeners aren't notified, so the title bar refreshes but others don't get the event.
original bug fixed in r22610.
additional bug described in comment 1 not yet fixed.
Additional similar bug#2: if you Save Archive, rename, cancel on the save to kar, the workflow and title are renamed, but when you try to close the window Kepler asks you if you want to "save changes to Untitled[x]"
bug in comment 1 is sort of fixed with r22611. Rename from canvas context menu will work (provenance will rename past workflows, and wrm will reflect that) when you rename a wf that's Untitled[x]. If you rename a workflow that doesn't match the unnamedIdPattern, it won't pass the check in SQLRecordingV8 renamedWorkflow.
Before I work on this further (inspecting to see if the pattern checks can be removed from provenance recording and querying -- I suspect they're there for a reason but will have to look into it or ask Dan if he remembers), I want to ask again do we need the new Rename from canvas feature?
If so, in this release?
I guess Oliver wants it?: http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4631
discussed a bit w/ Aaron, Dan and Ben. It seems like a compromise is to assign a new lsid to a workflow when it's renamed if its prior name isn't unnamed (ala a typical save as). I've done this w/ r22714.
However there's now a new issue: if you rename a workflow that already has a real name, and it therefore gets a new lsid, you can close this workflow and not be prompted to save changes for the last rename.
NamedObjId sends out a requestChange event during updateRevision, but not during setExpression. setExpression calls super, so it seems like things should notice it ala changing any StringAttribute, but that's not happening. I need to look into it a bit more...
issue in comment 5 now fixed.
remaining problem: Save As xml rename event sends the old name through, so provenance doesn't get to rename until you run the newly named model.
should be fixed in r22873, but needs testing (notably have not yet tested the various user cancel scenarios). Hopefully everything is consistent now re: any rename of an Untitled workflow (eg during Save As, from canvas) will just update the revision. If you rename a workflow that has a name, it gets a new LSID, the old put in the referral list. The RenameUtil should be used for worflow renames, so listeners can do their thing.
Closing, have tested and seems to be working well. Let me know if you see anything you consider weird with workflow LSIDs.
Original Bugzilla ID was 4696
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