Bug #4787
closedUser having WRITE permission couldn't update a document
I think i reproduced the bug Jim mentioned:
A user having WRITE permission couldn't update a document.
Here are steps I did:
1. Create a simple document under user uid=jing. This document gives "READ+WRITE" permission to user uid=tao.
2. Save the document to metacat dev server as jing.4.1
3. Switch to another profile which has uid=tao.
4. Search online to find jing.4.1 and open it.
5. Make minor change on its title.
6. Save it to metacat and get the error:
<error>User tried to update an access module when they don't have "ALL" permission!</error>
I did another test:
All conditions are same except giving uid=tao "ALL" permission rather than "READ+WRITE" permission. This time, the updated document by uid=tao can be sent to metacat successfully.
It seems metacat doesn't handle a user's update action correctly, who only has "READ+WRITE" permission.