



Bug #484


eml-attribute changes needed

Added by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago. Updated over 22 years ago.

eml - general bugs
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Changes as decided upon at the Sevilleta EML meeting, April 24-25, 2002:
Responsible: Chad, Dan, David

1) rename dataType to storageType -- minimally suggest use fo XML Schema DT as
base for storageType, add attribute "typeSystem" for referencing the system used
2) add "unitSystem" attribute to w/ default of STMML, make "unit" required with
default of "dimensionless"
3) add measurementScale element for documenting scale (ordinal, ratio, interval,
nominal). We discussed whether this was implied by dataType/unit, but decided to
add it, even though it probably is somehow implied by the dimension of the
4) add "accuracy" element, use FGDC "dataQuality" model for it
5) how do we express precision & accuracy -- need to be explicit in our field
6) generally resolve the storageType/dimension/unit/measurementScale morass
7) add explanation/reason field to the "missingValueCode" so that people can
explain what "-9999" means in their data set
8) move "textDomain" and "enumeratedDomain" up so that they are siblings of
numeric domain, remove the choice
9) add "enforced" attribute to enumeratedDomain element with allowable values
"yes", "no", defaults to "yes"
10) enumeratedDomain: need externally referenced codeset, reference to dataTable
entity that contains codes (2 columns). below is a content model from my notes
that doesn't make a lot of sense to me right now. Corinna says that the sequence
after enumeratedDomain should be optional,repeatable
enumeratedDomain |- list | |- code | |- def | |- source | |- entity | |- entityID | |- codeColumn | |- codeDefinitionColumn | |- externalSource


eml-attribute.xsd (40.3 KB) eml-attribute.xsd Peter McCartney, 05/29/2002 01:46 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 23 years ago

Finished with 1-9. Have implemented some changes in the dtd but not all. I
don't fully understand nuber 10 so I will wait for clarrification before
attempting it. Note that three of the FGDC elements that referenced other FGDC
constructs reference eml or XMLSchema constructs in my implementation. The
three are: citationInformation (I used eml-literature), timePeriodInformation (I
used eml-coverage/temporalCoverage) and processContact (I used
eml-party/responsibleParty). If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.

Actions #2

Updated by Chad Berkley almost 23 years ago

I removed most of the FGDC dataquality stuff and just left the attribute
accuracy parts. It seemed much more logical to just use a subset since a lot of
the elements in FGDC:DataQuality are represented elsewhere in EML.

Actions #3

Updated by Chad Berkley over 22 years ago

in trying to figure out how to integrate the STMML stuff into attribute to
handle units, I have thought about several different methods for including
structured, parseable unit information in eml-attribute. The consensus that
I have come to is that we need a unit dictionary marked up in compliance with
STMML. this dictionary will be an extensible, structured list of all units
that can be used in the 'unit' field of eml-attribute. The list will be
referenced within eml-attribute via an http URI that links the unit field to
the unit type in the dictionary. As with namespace URIs, the referenced link
need not be an active web service, rather it is just a unique, parseable
identifier that allows the attributes unit to be linked into the dictionary.
Of course, this will only be parseable by an external processor, which we
hoped to avoid in the entire packaging scheme, however this seems to be a
different type of problem than the packaging problem.

The scheme is defined below:
STMML unit dictionary:

<eml:unitList xmlns:eml="./eml-unit.xsd">
<!-- =======================================================================
<!-- ========================= fundamental types ===========================
<!-- =======================================================================
<eml:unitType id="length" name="length">
<eml:dimension name="length" />

&lt;eml:unitType id="time" name="time"&gt;
&lt;eml:dimension name="time" /&gt;
&lt;eml:unitType id="dimensionless" name="dimensionless"&gt;
&lt;eml:dimension name="dimensionless" /&gt;

<!-- =======================================================================
<!-- ========================== derived types ==============================
<!-- =======================================================================
<eml:unitType id="acceleration" name="acceleration">
<eml:dimension name="length" />
<eml:dimension name="time" power="-2" />

<!-- =======================================================================
<!-- ====================== fundamental SI units ===========================
<!-- =======================================================================
<eml:unit id="second" name="second" unitType="time">
<eml:description>The SI unit of time</eml:description>

&lt;eml:unit id="meter" name="meter" unitType="length" abbreviation="m"&gt;
&lt;eml:description&gt;The SI unit of length&lt;/eml:description&gt;
&lt;eml:unit id="kg" name="nameless" unitType="dimensionless" 
&lt;eml:description&gt;A fictitious parent for dimensionless

<!-- =======================================================================
<!-- ===================== derived SI units ================================
<!-- =======================================================================
<eml:unit id="newton" name="newton" unitType="force">
<eml:description>The SI unit of force</eml:description>

<!-- multiples of fundamental SI units -->
<eml:unit id="g" name="gram" unitType="mass" parentSI="kg"
multiplierToSI="0.001" abbreviation="g">
<eml:description>0.001 kg.</eml:description>

&lt;eml:unit id="celsius" name="Celsius" parentSI="k" multiplierToSI="1" 
&lt;p&gt;A common unit of temperature&lt;/p&gt;

<!-- fundamental non-SI units -->
<eml:unit id="inch" name="inch" parentSI="meter" abbreviation="in"
<eml:description>An imperial measure of length</eml:description>

<!-- derived non-SI units -->
<eml:unit id="l" name="litre" unitType="volume" parentSI="meterCubed"
abbreviation="l" multiplierToSI="0.001">
<eml:description>Nearly 1 dm**3 This is not quite exact</eml:description>

&lt;eml:unit id="fahr" name="fahrenheit" parentSI="k" abbreviation="F" 
multiplierToSI="0.55555555555555555" constantToSI="-17.777777777777777777">
&lt;eml:description&gt;An obsolescent unit of temperature still used in popular

URIs that could be used in the 'unit' field of eml-attribute:
Acceleration in m/s^2

Acceleration in in/s^2

Length in meters

Count of species

note that the URIs follow the form:;unitType id>&<dimension1
id>=<unitM1 id>&...&<dimensionN id>=<unitM2 id>

with this style URI, the unitType gets defines as well as each dimension in
the unitType gets mapped to a unit. This would be easily parseable and
validateable against the unit Dictionary. In an application, these URIs
would get hashed to a user friendly list of units. For example
m/s^2 -->

Of course, the unit dictionary will be much more inclusive than the example
that I pasted in above.

Please let me know ASAP if anyone has a problem with this scheme.

Actions #4

Updated by Peter McCartney over 22 years ago

Here is the sample attribute file based on today's discussion It defines four
complext types:

AttributeDefinitionType = definition of the content model for an attribute
description. has id &system attributes

AttributeType = contains a choice between a single element of type
AttributeDefinitionType or a reference to a previously defined

AttributeListDefinitionType = content model for an attribute list containing a
repeatable element attribute which is of type AttributeType. Has id & system

AttributeListType = a choice between a single element of type
AttributeListDefinitionType or a reference to a previously defined

Usage: When defining an entity, you would create a local element of type
AttributeListType. Insert either a <references> pointing to a previously
defined element of AttributeListType or an <attributeListDefinition> element
into which you insert one or more <attribute> elements. these in turn may each
contain either an <attributeDefinition> element or a <references> elemnt.

Sample snippet for a table entity:

&lt;attributeListDefinition id="111" scope="document"&gt;
&lt;attributeDefinition id="444" scope="document"&gt;
&lt;attributeDefinition id="445" scope="document"&gt;
&lt;attributeName&gt;Sample Date&lt;/attributeName&gt;

Another example from constraint would be as follows (assuming that in my
eml-constraint.xsd I had defined the element Key to be of type


&lt;attributeListDefinition id="555" scope="document"&gt;
Actions #5

Updated by Peter McCartney over 22 years ago

Sorry...typo in the last code snippet in my comments. should read:

<attributeListDefinition id="555" scope="document">

Actions #6

Updated by Peter McCartney over 22 years ago

Here are some comments.

1) under storageType, the prefix xs: should not be expected since prefixes
for content models are defined by the individual schemas that import them and
this is not the context in which these will be used. so i would expect people
to type in "string" and not "xs:string", or "xsd:string"

2) I like the spirit behind your proposed unit field, but i feel the same about
is as i do about connection URLs - i dont believe people will understand it
well enough to use it. Typing in ""
for every entry seems a bit awkward and unnecessary. Just like with connection
URLs, users will require both a wizard processor to help them construct it as
well as processing code to interpret it, and if the dictionary isn't shipped
with eml, then youve now created a dependency on a web address that we cant
guarantee will always be there. What i thought was going to come out of the
sevilleta discussion was an element that was either free choice or an
enumeration based on a list of stmml type names that are taken from this

The problem seems similar to me to the spatial reference module, in which
projections that people frequently refer to by a name "UTM zone 12" actually
require a fairly complex set of terms and references to standard algorithms. In
eml-spatialReference, these are encoded as complex types that define which
parameters need to be filled in. I understand that part of what you want to do
is allow a syntax for people to build thier own data types using the
established ontology, but i think they will not respond well to the URI model
for doing that. I'm afraid of them simply not filling it in if they can either
type in the name they use or pick it from a controlled list.

Related to this section, i have a question regarding some fields from ISO that
i am trying to eliminate on the grounds that we cover them elsewhere. for
raster cells, ISO defines cellattributedescription, cellvalueunits,
tonegradation, scalefactor and offset. the first, and perhaps all of these are
covered in eml-attribute.xsd. cellvalueunits has a list of codes that i think
could be indetified as an externalcodeset domain if that is brought back (see
below). tone gradation is the number of colors(64 colors, 256 colors, etc). i
think this could be gotten from storageType, but maybe we need something in
enumeratedDomain for numberOfUniqueValues?. scale factor and offset are for any
scale multipliers or delta constants that have been applied to the values. i
think they mean transformations done to allow expression of values that are
either larger or have a broader range than can be accomodated by the storage
type used (ie using a byte data type for annual accumulation in thousands of
inches). does stmml have a way of deal with this or do we need to leave these

3) the sequence portion of enumeratedDomain needs to repeat so that multiple
codes can be entered. I dont thinke each code needs a separate source, but
thats a minor point. My recollection from sevilleta was that we were going to
let enumerated domain include a choice between providing a value list,
providing a reference to an external codeset (codeSetName,
codeSetURI?,codeSetCitation?) or a reference to an entity within the dataset
whose data define the domain (entity, codeAttribute, codeDefinitionAttribute,

Actions #7

Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago

Changes completed and checked into cvs.

Actions #8

Updated by Owen Eddins over 22 years ago

I'm passing the following comments from Tim Bergsma the data manager at Kellog
Biological Station in Michagen. He made them in a eml-dev email. I posting to
bugzilla just to make sure they don't fall through the cracks.

8. Regarding <attribute>: there is in science a classic distinction
between precision and accuracy. <accuracy> is used here in that sense;
we should be aware that <precision> is not, at least not strictly.
<precision> is used here in the sense of 'least significant digit',
which may be related to but is not identical to the classical sense in
which precision represents the repeatability of a measurement, and is
statistically qualified. Precision is a messy issue. Suppose rain fall
is measured to the nearest quarter of an inch. Converted to a decimal,
quarter inches are represented as 0.25, which misleadingly suggests that
precision is at the level of hundredths of an inch. Perhaps EML should
allow a statement of precision that is not decimal-oriented.
9. Should <unit> be optional under <attribute>? Many attributes do not
have units, such as <skyCondition>sunny</skyCondition>.

Actions #9

Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago

Regarding precision (issue 8):

I think decimal precision works fine based on the example given. To the nearest
1/4 inch is to the nearest 0.25 inch. If someone had meant to the nearest
hundredth of an inch, they would write 1/100 inch or .01 inch for the precision.
I don't understand the issue.

Regarding unit (issue 9):
The unit is dimensionless for those types of measures. What exactly
dimensionless means is fairly open to debate.

Actions #10

Updated by Peter McCartney over 22 years ago

In responding to a request from Chad to provide a sample metadata file from our
Xylographa tool, im finding a number of stumbling blocks as i go through
filling in the blanks to make the file valid. Many of these are in attribute
and result from the fact that unit, measurementScale and attributeDomain are
all mandatory. This is forcing me to put in nonsense information for some
attributes (in fact, in order to get my sample file to validate a couple weeks
ago, this was exactly what Matt put in for these fields - nonsense). I dont
see "dimensionless" as a choice under unit, although its valid if i just make
the element but leave it blank. I can answer nominal for measurement scale, but
how many people are going to recognize this as the right choice for a field
they feel doesnt "measure" anything? finally, many attributes dont have a
domain other than the general topic that the information is supposed to be
about. I could fill in a textDomain entry that simply says "any text" but i
would regard someone that did this with the same contempt i do people that
put "N/A" in spread sheet cells. I think all of these need to be optional or we
come up with an easier and meaningful way to generate default entries. If there
really is no domain information, id rather the element not be there. same with
unit and scale.

im also drawing blanks for things i should be able to put in unit - dates and
times, photosynthetically active radiation (umol/m2/s), pressure in
kiloPascals, and of course lots of ratios. we're going to need to have a really
rich list as well as some primers on how to fill in custom unit definitions.

Actions #11

Updated by Chad Berkley over 22 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 484


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