Bug #5059
openSAXPParseException error when entering data package search string misleading!
Using Morpho 1.8, NOT logged in (unable to log in to my account), I entered a query string, for a Network Search. When I started a search, got the error message shown in the attached screenshot.
As it turns out, the problem is that the Metacat server is broken. But it took me 10 minutes to establish this.
Would you make the error message for this fault be: "Metacat Server is broken - Network Search not possible"? Or something similar?
Rick R
Updated by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
This doesn't seem to happen if I try to 'fake' an outage by changing the Metacat to be a non-existent URL (I just got an empty resultset list). It's likely that this SAX message was returned from the ailing server without being interpreted my Morpho. The fact that it was displayed as a popup box indicates that we did figure out that it was an unexpected/erroneous response from Metacat and I suppose we could preface the error message content with something like "Error..."