Bug #5332
closedcr1k_d doesn't reliably connect to logger
Fairly often cr1k_d fails to connect to the logger. I get output like:
CR1K sample rate should be 30 second(s)> <MAIN> Open Serial Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 Succefully!> <MAIN> Connecting to datalogger...
[ERR-recvFrame] timeout (get data 0 bytes)> [ERR] cmdRING> Link error> <MAIN> [ERR] fail to connect datalogger, please check cable> <MAIN> [ERR] Driver initialization failed> Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 closed> cr1k_d exit
CR1K sample rate should be 30 second(s)> <MAIN> Open Serial Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 Succefully!> <MAIN> Connecting to datalogger...> [ERR] Link State error after cmdRING (09)> <MAIN> [ERR] fail to connect datalogger, please check cable> <MAIN> [ERR] Driver initialization failed> Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 closed
-> cr1k_d exit
I thought it might be dcd_mgr interfering, but that doesn't seem to be -- in span.sh, which launches both processes, I added a long sleep between them and cr1k_d still periodically fails.
I'll add this to the list of questions/requests for ISI folks.
If we're unable to find a better solution, an alternate is to detect the fail and retry N times.
Related issues
Updated by Derik Barseghian about 14 years ago
Another failure example:
> <MAIN> Open Serial Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 Succefully!> <MAIN> Connecting to datalogger...> <MAIN> dump default cr file...> cr file: /home/ubuntu/span.dan_mod/span-fep/conf/2sq110s.CR8> scan rate = 30 second(s)> [ERR] Response Code is not "complete(0x00)" (0E)> [ERR] cmdFileDownload> <MAIN> [ERR] fail to dump default config file> <MAIN> [ERR] Driver initialization failed> Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 closed
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago
Dan and I tracked the
[ERR] Response Code is not "complete(0x00)" (0E)
error down to a path parsing problem in pakbus_cmd.c -- the code can't handle a path with a period in it:
/* find extension and create dump file name*/
ext = strstr(DCD_CONF+1, ".");
dump_file = (char*) malloc( strlen(ext) + strlen("CPU:conf") + 1 );
It's unclear if the RING error is due to a separate issue.
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago
Dan fixed the path parsing bug.
Dan and I both still get the RING errors though, so leaving this bug open.
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago
Retry logic is working well, closing.