Bug #5760
opensaving xml to existing file asks twice on mac
On Mac, when saving a workflow as XML to an existing file, there are two dialogs that ask to overwrite the existing file. This occurs in Vergil, too.
Updated by Christopher Brooks about 12 years ago
Fixed in r65184 in ptolemy/actor/gui/TableauFrame.java
I updated Top.java as well, though that code is not called because
TableauFrame overrides those methods.
The issue is that FileDialog prompts the user if during Save As, the
file already exists. FileChooser does not prompt.
I also tested this under Windows with Java 1.6:
export JAVAFLAGS=-Dptolemy.ptII.useFileDialog=true
I'm assigning this to Daniel for verification and closing.
Updated by Daniel Crawl about 12 years ago
I tested on Mac, and it's fixed.
I also tested on Linux, Java 1.6: the default dialog asks for confirmation once, but if I set JAVAFLAGS=-Dptolemy.ptII.useFileDialog=true, then it does not ask at all.
Updated by Daniel Crawl about 12 years ago
The remaining problem will not occur in the 2.4 release, so retargeting.
To close this, the file dialog should ask the user once on Mac, Linux, and Windows, with ptolemy.ptII.useFileDialog true and false.