Bug #5769
closedproblem opening saved pipe with Bird Morphology Data in Firefox 17.1
If you save a pipe w/ the Bird Morphology Data component, and later try to open this same pipe using the Edit button, you'll get the "Oops! There has been some sort of problem loading your pipe." error message.
This happens in Firefox 17.0.1, but not Chrome 23.0.1271.97.
None of the other data components from any other module causes this error.
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 12 years ago
Fixed at r31239.
Need to deploy to production, and re-save production demo pipes w/ new instance of actor.
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 12 years ago
Deployed fix, updated production pipes and verified editable. Original reporter, Andrea, also verifies fix.
I also updated the dev and production backend codesources to include the change, and restarted the production engines (I'll be shutting and leaving down demo now).
I also include the change in beta-production-kepler2x-beta9 in my home dir on crane.