Bug #5782
closedwrong behavior when trying to Export a run when module dependencies not satisfied
If you attempt to Export a run from the Workflow Run Manager when its module dependencies are not satisfied, the Import Module Dependencies action is invoked. This is desirable, so the user is warned, and if relevant, offered the option to restart into the right modules. However the dialog only offers a 'Force Open' option, which doesn't make sense here -- instead it needs to offer a 'Force Export' option, with slightly different text and warning. The warning should explain that it's possible not all artifacts will make it into the KAR (inactive modules' KAR entry handlers are not present in the system to be able to place the artifacts they're responsible for into the KAR, a restriction of our KAR saving design). Also, when Force Export is used, the module dependency list in the KAR's manifest should not utilize the 'override module dependencies' functionality in our code -- e.g. if you attempt to save a run that was created within reporting, from within just the workflow-run-manager suite, the reporting artifacts will not be placed into this 'forced KAR', and it's then less desirable to include reporting in that kar's mod dep list than simply use the currently active module suite.
I'll commit a fix shortly.