Bug #5872
openIrregularities with access control
Dear Metacat and Morpho developers,
I am using metacat 2.0.3 and morpho 1.10.0. There seems to be a problem with setting the access rights for other entity data or table data added to a metadata package. When I add such extra data, grant certain access rights and upload everything to the metacat server, sometimes (I haven't figured out exactly under what circumstances) there is no access to the extra data except for the owner of the data. By looking into the postgresql table xml_access I found out that the entries for the extra data were missing in these cases. The EML itself seems to be ok though.
For example, when I have data.1.1 as metadata package and data.2.1 and data.3.1 as extra data to this package, sometimes there is no access to data.2.1 and/or data.3.1 except for the owner of the data.
I would appreciate any advice how to fix or circumvent this problem.
Eva-Maria Gerstner
Updated by ben leinfelder almost 12 years ago
In Metacat 2.x, support for "denyFirst" access control rules was removed so that we more closely match the DataONE federation's access policy structure. If you are using this option in Morpho for your data entities, they will be ignored when you upload to Metacat 2.x.
If you find that this is not the cause of your missing acces rules, please export the datapackage in question so that I can investigate the issue more closely.
Thank you,