Task #5944
Feature #5810: Implement SOLR-based search
Task #5921: Design and implement Metacat-Index module
Metacat-index need an IndexEvent and IndexEventLog mechanism
Added by Jing Tao over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
We need the IndexEvent and IndexEventLog to handle the events in building the solr index. For example, a failure event.
The classes can be:
IndexEventLog : write(IndexEvent), List<IndexEvent> IndexEventLog.getEvents(pid, type, ...)
The IndexEvent can have those fields:
- Target version set to 2.1.0
- Assignee set to ben leinfelder
Added delete() method to remove entries that we do not need to reprocess again (because they were successful, finally).
TODO: use hazelcast to persist these events.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I have the hzIndexEventMap set up and persisting IndexEvent objects to postgres db now (using Metacat's connection). There are tests for the DAO and the MapStore/Loader. Now need to check if this impl is wired up in the main indexing process of the metacat-index project.
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Main development on this is complete - enhancements to this can be added in other tasks.
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