Feature #6131
Display suggestions for search terms when user starts typing a search entry
Added by Lauren Walker over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
Example: A user starts typing a filter term in an input box and is given a list of suggestions to complete the word or phrase based on actual keywords in the data. A number would be shown next to each suggestion that reports the number of search results for that given phrase.
- Target version set to 1.2.0
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I've got a beta version working for now, will be expanding upon it to show the faceted search counts for each suggestion
Note: I also added this to the Taxon input field, but without frequency counts either.
- Subject changed from Display suggestions for search terms when user starts typing a search entry to Display suggestions for search terms when user starts typing a search entry
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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