Bug #7019
closedcloning problems in NamedObj and AtomicActor
I'm attaching a patch to fix cloning issues in NamedObj.java:
// Since _debugListeners is null, _debugging should be
// false to avoid error message in _debug()
and AtomicActor.java:
// When super.clone() is called below, attributes that are
// contained in this actor are also cloned, which includes
// calling methods on these attributes such as setContainer().
// These methods may add themselves to the firing listeners
// or initializables lists in the newObject clone, so we do
// not want to clear these lists in newObject after super.clone().
// Instead, save this instance's lists here and restore them after
// call super.clone().
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 9 years ago
The patch looks good, but I'm going on vacation tomorrow and don't want to break the tree. I return next Tuesday and can take a look then.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Christopher Brooks to Daniel Crawl
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
I've patched the ptII tree. I successfully ran the tests in kernel and actor/test. I'm reassigning this to Dan so that he may close it.