Bug #73
closedeliminate all System.out and Sytem.err messages
The dmanclient currently prints copious debugging messages to stderr and
stdout. All of these must be removed, either by eliminating them, or wrapping
them in a "debugMessage" function that can be turned on and off at compile
time. There is a good example of one of these utility methods in
edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.MetaCatUtil.debugMessage() -- it uses a static debug flag
so that the conditional executed if the debug flag is false (Java eliminates all
conditionals that are static false).
Updated by Dan Higgins over 24 years ago
A simple 'fix' is to use 'javaw' to launch application rather than 'java' for
user version. (User will not see messages, but developer will)
Updated by Dan Higgins over 24 years ago
All but a few initial messages can now be vectored to a 'stderr.log' file by
setting the parameter 'log_file' to true in 'client.properties' file. the few
initial parameters can be eliminated by launching with javac rather than java.