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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7194 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal MN.publish method can't generate a new ore document when the metadata is published Jing Tao 05/24/2017 04:54 PM Actions
7193 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal MN.publish fails because of the mismatched checksum Jing Tao 05/24/2017 04:51 PM Actions
7192 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal MN.update method doesn't check the checksum Jing Tao 05/23/2017 03:34 PM Actions
7188 Metacat Bug Resolved Immediate MNodeService.replicate() is failing Jing Tao 05/23/2017 03:37 PM Actions
7186 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal listObjects fails if there is pid with a white space in the list Jing Tao 05/08/2017 10:48 AM Actions
7185 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal EML SAX parser will not check if the user has the all permission on data objects (described by the eml object) when the parser is called by DataONE API Jing Tao 05/01/2017 12:12 PM Actions
7184 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal The count number is -1 when the expandRightsHolder method lists the subjects Jing Tao 05/01/2017 05:46 PM Actions
7183 Metacat Bug Closed Normal CN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to act Jing Tao 04/26/2017 03:39 PM Actions
7177 Metacat Task New Normal Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8 Jing Tao 10/13/2017 12:09 PM Actions
7176 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Metacat-index RDF/XML subprocessor not populating prov_hasDerivations field Jing Tao 04/26/2017 03:45 PM Actions
7170 Metacat Bug New Normal Ignore the access part change in the EML sax parser classes when users use dataone api to update an eml object Jing Tao 12/21/2016 02:33 PM Actions
7169 Metacat Task Resolved Normal Register schema files for the format id FGDC-STD-100.1-1999 Jing Tao 12/16/2016 10:57 AM Actions
7168 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal ReIndexing a document lost some prov information in the new generated solr doc Jing Tao 12/12/2016 01:08 PM Actions
7167 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal MNodeService.updateSystemMetadata() needs to validate obsolescence chain pids Jing Tao 12/08/2016 02:29 PM Actions
7166 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Metacat DataONE base url always gets 404 not found page Jing Tao 12/06/2016 04:43 PM Actions
7165 Metacat Task Closed Normal Use the provenance Spring bean file from d1_cn_index_processor in Metacat Jing Tao 12/07/2016 10:11 AM Actions
7163 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Calling cn.synchronize method asynchronously in mn.updatesystemmeta on Metacat Jing Tao 12/13/2016 02:47 PM Actions
7161 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Uploading a resource map with provenance data causes an NPE during indexing Jing Tao 12/01/2016 12:39 PM Actions
7157 Metacat Bug Closed Normal Archive operation not permitted for V1 readonly MNs Jing Tao 11/16/2016 05:01 PM Actions
7156 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Solr index still keep the obsoletedBy field even though it was removed from the system metadata and reindexed Jing Tao 12/09/2016 04:56 PM Actions
7150 Metacat Bug New Normal Do not populate the "documents" Solr index field with a metadata object's own identifier Jing Tao 11/03/2016 03:12 PM Actions
7149 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Private metadata is indexed as isPublic=true Jing Tao 12/12/2016 03:45 PM Actions
7148 Metacat Story New Normal Upgrade Solr Server Jing Tao 10/19/2016 04:08 PM Actions
7144 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal MN certificate can't modify the system metadata of an object which's authoritative member node is this mn Jing Tao 10/19/2016 03:45 PM Actions
7142 Metacat Story Closed Normal Upgrade Solr to 3.6 to fix searching issue Jing Tao 10/19/2016 04:11 PM Actions
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