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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3273 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Improve authentication dialogue so that the reason for authentication is clear ben leinfelder 08/11/2009 11:38 AM Actions
3277 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Create reusable jython-based SelectionDialog actor to collect runtime parameters ben leinfelder 07/02/2008 11:36 AM Actions
3278 Kepler Bug New Normal Search result count is inflated when using both KNB sources ([un]authenticated) ben leinfelder 04/03/2009 02:18 PM Actions
3436 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow subclassing of classes in datapackage for use in FIRST ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:49 PM Actions
3437 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Upgrade jcalendar library to use an official jar distribution ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
3438 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow save-on-close action to be specified by the plugin ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
3439 Morpho Bug Resolved Normal Allow Morpho to run with an alternate configuration directory ben leinfelder 08/12/2009 03:50 PM Actions
3463 Metacat Bug New Normal Registry upload: include organization/skin Keywords dropdown ben leinfelder 07/28/2009 11:28 AM Actions
3505 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Test registry service ben leinfelder 10/06/2008 10:59 AM Actions
3513 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Save assessment files with metadata and data ben leinfelder 11/17/2008 11:32 AM Actions
3516 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Simplify "shopping cart" web interface ben leinfelder 10/30/2008 01:23 PM Actions
3517 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Select metadata fields only from within "cart" ben leinfelder 10/30/2008 01:21 PM Actions
3518 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Allow [re]editing of question-level metadata ben leinfelder 10/17/2008 05:19 PM Actions
3519 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Proof of concept: Demographic data incorporation ben leinfelder 02/26/2009 10:50 AM Actions
3520 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Provide a "generic" structured search field ben leinfelder 11/16/2008 08:07 AM Actions
3521 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Set access control for assessment data and metadata from within client ben leinfelder 11/06/2008 09:00 AM Actions
3528 Metacat Bug Resolved Normal Add EML 2.1.0 namespace mapping to "qformat.xml" files ben leinfelder 10/31/2008 11:47 AM Actions
3597 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Set access control for response DATA file ben leinfelder 11/06/2008 11:23 AM Actions
3598 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Set access control for question image files ben leinfelder 11/06/2008 10:09 AM Actions
3604 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Deploy FIRST-enabled Metacat on dev machine ben leinfelder 11/07/2008 04:45 PM Actions
3620 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Dataquery across Assessments in the cart returns only one assessment ben leinfelder 11/11/2008 10:29 AM Actions
3643 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Invalid QTI serialization for image material ben leinfelder 11/12/2008 04:15 PM Actions
3651 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Invalid QTI serialization for hotspot image questions ben leinfelder 11/12/2008 04:54 PM Actions
3653 FIRST Bug Resolved Normal Editing questions after parsing: need to handle ecogrid referenced images ben leinfelder 11/14/2008 05:20 PM Actions
3666 Kepler Bug Resolved Normal Create RIO schema ben leinfelder 05/19/2009 11:15 AM Actions
(51-75/598) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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