Bug #6102
Updated by Matt Jones about 11 years ago
Kenneth Jones kennethjone@gmail.com reported:
In Ptolemy II it is possible to use Vergil to convert a component into a class, save the class, and use it (instantiate or subclass it) in other workflows in the future. The Kepler GUI seems to have the ability to convert a component to a class and, in the workflow in which you created the class, create instances or subclasses of it, but I don't see a way to save the class, so it can be used in other workflows in the future (In Vergil there is a "save submodel only" checkbox in the File/Save dialog). Can classes be saved and reused in Kepler? If so, how?
I verified this by creating a class and then attempting to save that class in a KAR file. The KAR file gets created, but does not contain the class. Attempting to open the saved KAR file produces an error in Kepler saying it can not me opened. The contents of the KAR file show it clearly is missing the class file, as all it contains is the manifest file:
@$ jar tvf MyRampTestClass.kar
714 Wed Sep 25 11:41:54 AKDT 2013 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
To fix, once you have created a class in a workflow, you should be able to right click on it and select 'Save Archive (KAR)...', which allows you to save in a kar file of your choice in your 'My Workflows' directory. That should then show up in the tree on the left, and be able to be dragged to workflows for use.