


First Community Workshop » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Corinna Gries, 10/11/2013 03:06 PM) → Revision 7/29 (Corinna Gries, 01/15/2014 09:11 AM)

h1. First Community Workshop 

 h2. Goals 

 * Develop ideas for larger synthesis across systems 
 * Introduce scientists to the concept of workflow systems 
 * Introduce scientists to open data and methods sharing 
 * Gather requirements for collaboration tools that would allow scientists to use them and share data and workflows. 

 h2. Participants 

 Ilkay Altintas, UC San Diego, altintas at 7 or 8 graduate students / post docs with strong R skills in addition to community analysis interest 
 Carl Boettiger, UC Davis, cboettig at 2 or 3 senior scientists with access to datasets of interest 
 Erica Christensen, Utah State, erica.christensen at 2 or 3 members of the R community 
 Elsa Cleland, UCSD, ecleland at 2 or 3 members of the workflow system community 
 Scott Collins, U New Mexico, scollins at 5 project team members 
 Sam Fey, Dartmouth, Samuel.B.Fey.GR at 
 Corinna Gries, U Wisconsin, cgries at 
 Lauren Hallett, Berkeley, lauren.m.hallett at 
 Stan Harpole, Iowa State, harpole at 
 Dave Harris, UC Davis, harry491 at 
 Matt Jones, UC Santa Barbara, jones at 
 Sydney Jones, U New Mexico, syd at 
 Julie Ripplinger, Arizona State University, julie.ripplinger at 
 Andrew Rypel, WDNR, andrew.rypel at 
 David Seekell, UVa, das9xx at 
 Elizabeth Siddon, U. Alaska Fairbanks, ecsiddon at 
 Eric Sokol, Virginia Tech, sokole at 
 Lizzie Wolkovitch, UCSD/Harvard, lizzie at, wolkovich at 17 total 

 List of potential participants (please include e-mail): 

 h2. Agenda 

 |_\3<. Wednesday February 5, 2014| 
 | 8:30 am -    9:00 am | Welcome and introductions | Corinna | 
 | 9:00 am -    9:20 am | 

 Project overview | Corinna, Scott, Matt | 
 | 9:20 am - 10:00 am | Intro to community metrics| Scott| metrics 
 |10:00 am - 10:30 am |_.Coffee Break| | 
 |10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Intro to workflows and Kepler | Matt | 
 |12:00 pm -    1:00 pm |_. Lunch | on your own | 
 | 1:00 pm -    3:00 pm | Around the room ideas for metrics and datasets | | 
 | 3:00 pm -    3:30 pm |_.Afternoon Break | | 
 | 3:30 pm -    5:30 pm | Working groups | | 
 |\3=. | 
 |_\3<.Thursday February 6, 2014| 
 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am |Hack-a-thon, develop R scripts for metrics | working groups | 
 |10:00 am - 10:30 am |_.Coffee Break| | 
 |10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Hack-a-thon, develop R scripts for metrics | working groups | 
 |12:00 pm -    1:00 pm |_. Lunch | on your own | 
 | 1:00 pm -    2:00 pm | Discussion | plenary | 
 | 2:00 pm -    3:00 pm | Hack-a-thon build Kepler workflows | working groups | 
 | 3:00 pm -    3:30 pm |_.Afternoon Break | | 
 | 3:30 pm -    5:30 pm | Hack-a-thon build Kepler workflows | working groups | 
 |\3=. | 
 |_\3<.Friday February 7, 2014| 
 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am | Next steps - metrics | plenary | 
 |10:00 am - 10:30 am |_.Coffee Break| | 
 |10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Next steps - requirements for Kepler actors | plenary | 
 |12:00 pm |_. Adjourn | | 


 Plenary sessions 

 * Brainstorm and prioritize community metrics 

 Breakout groups: 

 * Community metrics implementation hackathons 
 * Desiderata for sharing community metrics 
 * Design for metrics sharing 


 * list of analyses 
 * list of data sets 
 * list of data transformation operations to get from raw data to analyses 
 * list of visualizations