From 04/04/2001 to 05/03/2001
- 11:43 AM Bug #229 (Resolved): revise eml-resource
- Incorporate revisions to eml-resource.xsd that were suggested in the EML 2
workshop. Includes separating dataset, l...
- 12:07 PM Bug #45: problems validating against resource.xsd
- No longer relevant because the XML Schema standard has changed, so Xerces 1.1.2
no longer works. Need to be sure we ... - 12:05 PM Bug #144: need lineage and version metadata standard
- Postpone a full lineage model till later when we can do it right. In the
interim, use the eml-protocol module that w... - 12:03 PM Bug #140: Revise eml-access module
- Make revisions specified in the EML 2 workshop.
- 12:02 PM Bug #176: research protocol, qa/qc
- Need to add the changes from the EML 2 workshop.
- 12:02 PM Bug #175: package, lineage
- These modules are no longer relevant because of the changes that we decided on
in EML 2 workshop. - 12:00 PM Bug #174: attribute, constraint, entity, distribution
- Implement decisions fromthe EML2 workshop in these modules, and document.
- 11:55 AM Bug #1: need more extensive element documentation
- Need to complete docuemntation in XSD files now that we've decided on revisions
from the EML 2 workshop.
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