



From 02/25/2002 to 03/26/2002


12:47 PM Bug #427: eml-constraint use of identifers
In looking at this issue, I think the best way to handle this would be to split eml-attribute up into multiple files.... Chad Berkley
11:04 AM Bug #443: revise duration elements in eml-access
duration and ticket count are now removed Chad Berkley
12:54 AM Bug #443: revise duration elements in eml-access
I think it is reasonable to possibly eliminate advanced features like duration
and ticketCount from eml-access for no...
Matt Jones
10:59 AM Bug #339: bounding box vs point data in eml-coverage
made westbc and southbc optional so now if you want to define a single point, you can just use northbc and eastbc. Chad Berkley


08:45 AM Bug #440: eml-entity needs header boolean
this isn't a problem Chad Berkley


07:17 AM Bug #443 (Resolved): revise duration elements in eml-access
eml-access has a duration element that is defined in terms of temporalCoverage.
This introduces a number of temporal...
Dan Higgins


03:13 PM Bug #440: eml-entity needs header boolean
The field already exists in eml-physical. See eml-physical/numHeaderLines Matt Jones
02:19 PM Bug #440 (Resolved): eml-entity needs header boolean
eml-entity needs a field to indicate whether the first line in the entity is a header row. currently, we have no way... Chad Berkley

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