



From 11/20/2008 to 12/19/2008


04:24 PM Bug #3704: Check Metacat against Postgres v7.4
used the datamanager features to download a test dataset from the Metacat instance that is running Postgres 7.4: work... ben leinfelder
04:03 PM Bug #3704: Check Metacat against Postgres v7.4
saved metadata and data to metacat using 7.4 ben leinfelder
11:48 AM Bug #3704: Check Metacat against Postgres v7.4
installed v7.4 on fred.
installed fresh metacat 1.9.
TODO: insert metadata from morpho
ben leinfelder
10:18 AM Bug #3704 (Resolved): Check Metacat against Postgres v7.4
DECS uses 7.4 in their production deployments ben leinfelder
03:44 PM Bug #3707 (Resolved): PDF parser exceptions on Linux
Trying to launch the parser in a Linux environment results in a NPE:
Could not launch the parser
ben leinfelder
10:06 AM Bug #3703 (Resolved): Commit original photoshop/illustrator files to CVS
The FIRST project may want to extend the look and feel for a more informational website - they'd like access to the o... ben leinfelder


11:13 AM Bug #3519: Proof of concept: Demographic data incorporation
student_id is now sharing the same encryption method used for importing assessment data. ben leinfelder


05:29 PM Bug #3519: Proof of concept: Demographic data incorporation
after soliciting advice from our FIRST group, this is a proposal for the structure of the demographic data:
ben leinfelder


08:39 PM Bug #3519: Proof of concept: Demographic data incorporation
added a menu option to select a csv and add it as another data file in the edml package.
we need to determine exactly...
ben leinfelder


04:50 PM Bug #3692: Create QueryPlugin specific to FIRST version of Morpho
Based the "new" UI on the existing Morpho QueryPlugin. Removed the extra tabs that do not make sense in the FIRST con... ben leinfelder
03:01 PM Bug #3692 (Resolved): Create QueryPlugin specific to FIRST version of Morpho
The search dialog currently includes tabs that are only relevant to EML searches. ben leinfelder
02:44 PM Bug #3345: searching produces wrong and inconsistent results
changed the EDML schema to use elements rather than attributes. Now the search will work as expected ben leinfelder


03:08 PM Bug #3345: searching produces wrong and inconsistent results
turns out we aren't searching element attributes.
the Assessment Title is currently stored in assessment/@title (i.e....
ben leinfelder


03:48 PM Bug #3512: Expand keyword tagging beyond NBII lookup
-built Generic Vocabulary term selection page into Morpho (simple lists of terms as given in a VDEX XML document)
ben leinfelder

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