



From 11/10/2008 to 12/09/2008


11:45 AM Bug #2868: upgrade taxonomy using TaxonOccurence Spreadsheet (aka Cover_ver4_withCBS)
in progress, version 1.1.4.H.
There are projects in this spreadsheet that are not yet in the database, so these will...
Michael Lee
11:02 AM Bug #2878: Check and standardize fit across all projects
I don't think this is needed, because we are not migrating ANY classifications from the old archive database. Michael Lee
11:02 AM Bug #2721: check sppID and NC_Codes in "old" archive db before updating to new
A spreadsheet was made, marking the few cases where there are disagreements between the two. There are a few where w... Michael Lee


02:03 PM Bug #3681 (New): Add 'Original Label Taxon' field to the specimen record
When I look at a specimen on the SE Atlas such as NCU-75254 and it gives
the name as Magnolia virginiana, that is si...
Robert Peet


09:33 AM Bug #3617 (New): Add directions for citation to homepage
Liu, X, R.K. Peet and A.S. Weakley. Atlas of the Flora of the Southeastern United States. University of North Carolin... Robert Peet

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