



From 06/29/2000 to 07/28/2000


04:15 PM Bug #49 (Resolved): need anonymous user login as default for metacat
Right now the authentication code for metacat requires a user to have a SRB
account to even query the metacat. Inst...
Matt Jones
03:06 PM Bug #48 (Resolved): need an option to do xml indexing asynchronously
We need an option to do indexing of a document asynchronously, so the user
to get response quickly
Jivka Bojilova
02:57 PM Bug #29: Download DTDs/Schemas for client
Implemented as part of a new DBUtil class. Jivka Bojilova
02:53 PM Bug #47 (Resolved): doctype and docid attr are needed in xml_index table
We need to add doctype and docid attr in xml_table to be able to search for
unique paths there by a given doctype(s)...
Jivka Bojilova
02:46 PM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
We going to add doctype and docid attr to xml_index table first in order to be
able to retrieve the paths for a given...
Jivka Bojilova
10:41 AM Bug #46 (Resolved): metacat insert fails on some documents
The metacat insertion process using the MetaCatServlet Load document function
fails sometimes with certain documents...
Matt Jones


09:24 AM Bug #29: Download DTDs/Schemas for client
Assigned to Jivka Bojilova Jivka Bojilova
09:18 AM Bug #23: creating shared pool of connections in metacat servlet
assigned to Jivka Bojilova Jivka Bojilova
09:02 AM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
assigned to Jivka Bojilova Jivka Bojilova


04:12 PM Bug #41 (Resolved): consolidate methods for XML output
Create a set of utility methods for generating XML ooutput from the servlet.
This would include both normal output a...
Matt Jones
04:09 PM Bug #19: need exception handling mechanism
Transfer ownership to jones Matt Jones


01:49 PM Bug #40 (Resolved): Search Refinement Capability
There is a need to consider the ability to refine a search, perhaps by sending a
list of previously found documents ...
Dan Higgins


06:19 PM Bug #35 (Resolved): SRB RMI server doesn't authenticate after first connection
After the initial connection is made to the SRB server using the SRB RMI server,
subsequent attempts to connect are ...
Matt Jones
06:09 PM Bug #16: validation engine uses OASIS XML Catalog
Fixed DBValidate validation engine so that it now uses DBEntityResolver to
resolve system IDs for DTD locations when ...
Matt Jones

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