From 11/21/2000 to 12/20/2000
- 01:25 PM Revision 628 (metacat): added revision support to the delete function
- 11:18 AM Revision 627 (metacat): added resource to the dtd script
- 10:20 AM Revision 626 (metacat): fixed sql error
- 09:38 AM Revision 625 (metacat): cleaned up code
- 09:28 AM Revision 624 (metacat): removed package doctype filtering from the resultset.
- 01:47 PM Revision 623 (metacat): added comments to top of class
- 01:46 PM Revision 622 (metacat): changed accession number schema to <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.<revisionnumber>. parses docids into parts for easy manipulation. You can now specifiy a specific revision by asking for document <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.<revisionnumber> or you can get the newest revision by asking for <sitecode>.<serialnumber> or by asking for <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.newest.
- 01:13 PM Revision 621 (metacat): added build paths instead of hard coded paths
- 12:19 PM Revision 620 (metacat): added acltext and dtdtext form fields - optional
- 11:11 AM Revision 619 (metacat): fixed typos around acltext and dtdtext params
- 03:07 PM Revision 618 (metacat): changed acc# generation to use db sequence instead of timestamp
- 03:06 PM Revision 617 (metacat): fixed typo
- 03:04 PM Revision 616 (metacat): added db sequence accnum_uniqueid_seq needed for uniqueID part of Accession#
- get rid of xml_acc_numbers table
- 03:02 PM Revision 615 (metacat): added property sitecode (=nceas) needed for Accession#
- 03:01 PM Revision 614 (metacat): added token "install-dir" needed for DTD upload
- 02:54 PM Revision 613 (metacat): fixed typo
- 02:18 PM Revision 612 (metacat): fixed typo
- 12:57 PM Revision 611 (metacat): fixed typo
- 12:53 PM Revision 610 (metacat): commented out print statement
- 12:35 PM Revision 609 (metacat): fixed typo
- 11:37 AM Revision 608 (metacat): problems with passing the connection between objects
- 11:29 AM Revision 607 (metacat): problems with passing the connection between objects
- 11:12 AM Revision 606 (metacat): overwrite Jivka's overwrite
- 10:56 AM Revision 605 (metacat): problem with passing the connection between objects
- 10:23 AM Revision 604 (metacat): problem with passing the connection between objects
- 09:45 AM Revision 603 (metacat): removed print statement
- 09:41 AM Revision 602 (metacat): fixed bug where some relations were not returned because the sql did not take into account an sql that had a directory structure in it.
- 02:32 PM Revision 601 (metacat): changed connection handling in the constructor
- 01:36 PM Revision 600 (metacat): one more write() method was needed
- 01:29 PM Revision 599 (metacat): constructor DBEntityResolver(Connection conn) is needed; cleared by mistake
- 12:50 PM Revision 598 (metacat): DBEntityResolver:
- - added new parameter dtd for upload on Metacat file system; optional; Reader
- new routines to upload dtd if provid... - 12:14 PM Revision 597 (metacat): dtdPath and dtdURL properties added needed for DTD upload on Metacat file system
- 12:01 PM Revision 596 (metacat): enable the UNIQUE constraint in xml_catalog table
- 10:55 AM Revision 595 (metacat): added additional actions to facilitate a web based interface to the replication servlet.
- 10:53 AM Revision 594 (metacat): web page control panel for replication
- 02:39 PM Revision 592 (metacat): comment out line in read action that sends a copy of docid prior to returning doc
- in XML format (apparent debug statement left in by mistake)
- 12:23 PM Revision 591 (metacat): added knb to resultsetspages
- 03:11 PM Revision 590 (metacat): added replication for the xml_catalog table. Right now it is only replicated when the deltaT handler is called. I will add more replication times later.
- 03:10 PM Revision 589 (metacat): parser for the xml encoding of the xml_catalog tableing (fi
- 02:13 PM Revision 588 (metacat): added an ant substitution for the jdbc connection string (fixed typo)b
- 02:13 PM Revision 587 (metacat): added an ant substitution for the jdbc connection string
- 03:06 PM Revision 586 (metacat): added ant substitution for @server@ and @replication-log@
- 01:27 PM Revision 585 (metacat): added the replication servlet to the default web.xml file.
- 01:26 PM Revision 584 (metacat): added a logging system for replication. The log file location is set in
- 10:33 AM Revision 583 (metacat): cleaned up code, added more complete documentation of replication algorithms and datastructures.
- 09:59 AM Revision 582 (metacat): made replication on insert or update us. Also made a method in AccessionNumber public so that you can tell if an accession number has already been used.e place be
- 09:57 AM Revision 581 (metacat): An asynchronous replication handler. This class creates a new thread to handle replication so that the user does not have to wait for replication to take place before he/she sees the result of an insert or update.
- 04:28 PM Revision 579 (metacat): fixed typo, removed extra print statements
- 03:30 PM Revision 578 (metacat): a script for clearing the contents of a metadat DB without destroying the table structures and without erasing the DTD and XSL entries in xml_catalog.
- 03:27 PM Revision 577 (metacat): added replication_on_insert handling. Changed replication from date_updated base replication to revision number replication.
- 02:41 PM Revision 576 (metacat): change the generation of Accession# in the form of <sidecode>.<createdate>
- 01:32 PM Revision 575 (metacat): added revision number tracking support to xml_documents and xml_revisions. Also added an updated flag as a replacement for date based replication handling.
- 11:43 AM Revision 574 (metacat): replication on insert functionality is now working.
- 03:18 PM Revision 573 (metacat): added more replication/file locking functionality.
- 09:15 AM Revision 572 (metacat): added more locking support and support for remote update of files.
- 09:07 AM Revision 571 (metacat): added more locking functionality for replication
- 05:15 PM Revision 570 (metacat): AccessControlList
- - methods for parsing and loading acl file
- checkup method for permission for given principal on given resource
DBQ... - 10:16 AM Revision 569 (metacat): cleaned up code, added new static methods to MetacatReplication for handling static queries and getting URL content.
- 08:30 AM Revision 568 (metacat): updated insert handling and added an action to request the time from a remote server.
- 08:27 AM Revision 567 (metacat): created locking action in replication servlet and added semi-support to documentImpl to handle documents updatedee by replicatio
- 01:55 PM Revision 566 (metacat): Modified stylesheets and server code to use a single "read" action instead
- of the earlier "getdocument" and "getrelateddocument" actions. In the
process, developed and started to utilize a ne... - 01:25 PM Revision 565 (metacat): Fixed typo in create table syntax (added missing comma) for xml_access table.
- 06:23 PM Revision 564 (metacat): Modified the build.xml file to support the new protocol handler classes,
- which need to be built in a separate jar file bust it must be installed
as part of the tomcat servlet environment, no... - 06:18 PM Revision 563 (metacat): Added a new URL protocol handler class for the metacat protocol. This
- class will replace the current MetacatURL class in a much simpler and
extensible manner. See the documentation for j... - 02:56 PM Revision 562 (metacat): this class allows the parsing of xml data sent by a replication server to assertain document info about a remote document.
- 02:55 PM Revision 561 (metacat): added functionality to allow the replication servlet to assertain and insert user and group info into the local database. started implementation of insert replication handler (it is commented out in this commit)
- 02:26 PM Revision 560 (metacat): CREATE TABLE xml_access (
- docid VARCHAR2(250), -- the document id #
principal_name VARCHAR2(100), -- name of user, group, etc.
permission NU... - 09:39 AM Revision 559 (metacat): fixed compatibility problem by overloading the write method. Jivka's new parameter (Reader acl) is now defaulted to null if it is not explicitly declared.
- 03:49 PM Revision 558 (metacat): fixed typo that was accidentally committed.
- 11:43 AM Revision 557 (metacat): added interface to handle a new "acl" parameter bringing the text of a xml access file for a given metadata document
- the "acl" parameter is optional and should be sent on INSERT or UPDATE action.
- 10:14 AM Revision 556 (metacat): added ticket_counter and deny attributes to xml_access table
- 10:04 AM Revision 555 (metacat): new class for parsing ACL XML file and loading acl data into metacat db
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