From 07/12/2001 to 08/10/2001
- 05:07 PM Revision 820 (metacat): fixed an error of NullPointerException
- 12:56 PM Revision 819 (metacat): - when the Access file goes first before the Package file (eml-dataset-2.0)
- relations are not available in xml_relation, thus updated the code
to check and run ACL also after the Package file i...
- 11:30 PM Revision 816 (metacat): Updated build file to resotre changes that were lost when version
- 1.54 was committed.
- 07:34 PM Revision 815 (metacat): look for relationship "isRelatedTo" b' that is the word that is used in the triples
- 07:17 PM Revision 814 (metacat): Fixed returndoctype param.
- 06:59 PM Revision 813 (metacat): Updated stylesheet to use new package returndoc type for searches
- (eml-dataset-2.0).
- 03:02 PM Revision 812 (metacat): updated with the new eml modules
- 02:14 PM Revision 811 (metacat): changed web-base-url to
- 09:01 AM Revision 810 (metacat): made ant copy the dtds
- 09:00 AM Revision 809 (metacat): added new dtds
- 08:57 AM Revision 808 (metacat): dtds that have entities removed for morpho/metacat compatibility
- 11:27 AM Revision 807 (metacat): Clean up after building distribution.
- 11:16 AM Bug #41: consolidate methods for XML output
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:16 AM Bug #148: node-level granularity for ACLs
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:16 AM Bug #93: allow dynamic addition of actions
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:16 AM Bug #151: need doctype equivalence specification
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:16 AM Bug #129: Metacat Performance: paged Query Returns
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:16 AM Bug #117: need new HTML interface allowing boolean search
- Changed milestone for several bugs. Some of these we should consider marking
INVALID or WONTFIX. - 11:15 AM Revision 806 (metacat): Updated build.xml with new targets to create metacat distributions.
- Run "ant dist" to create a non-source distribution and "ant distsrc"
to create a source distribution. Best if this i... - 11:04 AM Bug #199: changes in Access Control mechanism
- Leave point 5. for Release1.0. Anything else is DONE.
- 10:24 AM Revision 805 (metacat): Updated README file for the beta2 release. Added list of known issues,
- which will need to be edited for the final release.
- 09:28 AM Revision 804 (metacat): fixed the compilation bug about the change of group parameter in DocumentImpl.write()
- 09:07 AM Bug #258 (Resolved): upgrade to xerces 1.4.1 and test metacat
- Need to upgrade our version of the Xerces jar file to 1.4.1 in order to get the
bug fixes and advanced schema suppor...
- 09:12 PM Revision 803 (metacat): changed accessdoctype=-//NCEAS//eml-access-2.0//EN
- b' AccessControlList is changed to use eml-access-2.0.dtd already
- 09:03 PM Revision 802 (metacat): added support for multiple group membership
- 03:19 PM Revision 801 (metacat): Changed the constructors so that the nodeRecordList is automatically
- retrieved by the DocumentImpl(Connection,String) constructor. this
restores its earlier behavior, but the implementa... - 11:23 AM Revision 800 (metacat): Added fix to DocumentImpl that showed problems when the DocumentImpl(conn)
- constructor was called. Now there is a new constructor:
DocumentImpl(Connection, String, boolean)
where the boolea...
- 03:03 AM Bug #191: Override protocol handling for http URLs
- And also...
Because "multipart/form-data" is the standard format produced by web browsers
when doing a "file upload"... - 02:50 AM Bug #191: Override protocol handling for http URLs
- There are concomitant changes in Morpho to produce these types of file uploads.
Morpho now uses the HTTPClient librar... - 02:58 AM Bug #185: replication security hole
- Reassigned to bojilova.
- 02:57 AM Bug #240: data file upload does not allow the client to specify an id
- Fixed. ID can now be specified (actually, it MUST be) using the new http based
file upload feature that was implement... - 02:55 AM Bug #181: possible security risks in data file upload
- Obsoleted because the socket system is no longer used, as it was replaced by
"multipart/form-data" encoded data trans... - 02:52 AM Bug #194: manage files by accession# on file system
- Done. Details are provided under the description of bug 191. Could still be
improved by abstracting away the storag... - 02:20 AM Revision 799 (metacat): Completely removed the socket-server feature that used to provide
- file upload. It is now replaced by multipart/form-data over http.
- 01:52 AM Revision 798 (metacat): Modified Metacat to support large data file uploads. This is accomplished
- by supporting a new content type for data sent to metacat:
which allows multiple files to be se...
- 07:58 PM Revision 797 (metacat): Simplified ReplicationHandler:
- It is run now in the same thread started from DBSAXHandler;
thus the same connection opened in that thread is used,
i... - 03:09 PM Bug #199: changes in Access Control mechanism
- Jivka: looks like a good plan. Here's a few notes about the points you make...
1. Using a real group for "public" h... - 11:10 AM Bug #26: need to add NOT operator to pathquery.dtd
Included new terms in pathquery.dtd for searchmode:
equals (former "matches-exactly")
grea... - 11:07 AM Bug #189: add <, >, and numeric = operators to pathquery language
Included new terms in pathquery.dtd for searchmode:
equals (former "matches-exactly")
grea... - 09:59 AM Revision 796 (metacat): tests made on Oracle and SQL Server.
- 09:20 AM Revision 795 (metacat): support for the new terms included in pathquery.dtd
- 09:19 AM Revision 794 (metacat): included new terms for searchmode:
- equals (former matches-exactly)
- 01:30 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
- 01:27 PM Bug #248: id finder needed for metacat
Included utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:
Required Meta... - 12:32 PM Revision 793 (metacat):
- Included utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:
Metacat parameters...
- 05:27 PM Bug #181: possible security risks in data file upload
- This should not be a problem if socket has a reasonable timeout value set -
Dan Higgins - 03:44 PM Bug #187: test metacat on Windows NT/2000
Tested on Windows NT/2000 with SQL Server 2000. It works really well.
SQL Server shows better performance than O... - 03:38 PM Bug #183: Port metacat to PostgresSQL and other databases
- 03:35 PM Bug #235: ssl support for metacat (https)
- 03:35 PM Bug #138: use LDAP as optional directory for authentication
- 01:08 PM Bug #247: metacat inserts ids into some files
- 12:17 PM Revision 792 (metacat): don't need to override the old meta_file_id tags with docid without rev
- since Morpho inserts docids before sending the docs to Metacat
- 10:29 AM Bug #40: Search Refinement Capability
- Can now revise a search in the Query dialog and resubmit it.
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