



Bug #138


use LDAP as optional directory for authentication

Added by Matt Jones over 24 years ago. Updated almost 23 years ago.

Jivka Bojilova
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


May be powerful to use an LDAP server or network to handle authentication rather
than the current MCAT authentication mechanisms we're using. Probably need to
create an abstract interface for authentication, so that we can implement
different concrete classes to connect to each type of authentication system
(e.g., one for MCAT authentication, one for LDAP authentication). The interface
would have only a few methods, like "authenticateUser(username, password)", and
"getGroups(username)", etc.

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Jones over 24 years ago

Designed and implemented a new abstract authentication interface
( in metacat that allows the metadata server to utilize
different backend authentication services, determined at runtime through
properties in the file. Implemented an LDAP authentication
service that works for authentication but doesn't yet implement all of the user
and group listing capabilities of the srb system currently used in New classes for this service include,, (will replace Also made
modifications to to utilize this new authentication
facility. Need to create an implementation of the interface for MCAT
authentification that parallels the one done in (most of the code
can be borrowed from

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Jones over 24 years ago

The changes described inthe previous comment are checked into CVS uder a
separate branch with the tag "AUTH_LDAP".

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Jones about 24 years ago

Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter ( so that it now looks up
the distinguished name for a user before attempting to do authentication.
This is because the user's distinguished name can sometimes be based on
their uid attribute, but sometimes be based on their cn (common name)
attribute, or some other attribute. In order to authenticate, we must
be able construct the distinguished name, so we have to look up the
identifying attribute before trying to authenticate. Basically, this
lets us authenticate agains both of the following records:

dn: uid=jones,o=NCEAS,c=US


dn: cn=Matt Jones,o=NCEAS,c=US

Effectively, this means that the user can type in their user id (uid),
common name (cn), or surname (sn) and we'll still be able to authenticate them.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Jones almost 24 years ago

Basic functionality is now finished, but some of the interface functions (like
getting group lists, etc) need to be completed still (They have null
implementations now).

Actions #5

Updated by Jivka Bojilova over 23 years ago

Installed OpenLDAPv2.0.11 (support for LDAPv3) with TLS/SSL support on dev.

Here is the steps to do:
1. Install OpenSSL first for use from LDAP server for support of TLS/SSL.
- get openssl-0.9.5a-14-i386.rpm
and openssl-devel-0.9.5a-14-i386.rpm from RedHat Linux7 CD
- copy them to /tmp on dev
- install them as packages with
rpm i openssl-0.9.5a-14-i386.rpm
rpm -i openssl-devel-0.9.5a-14-i386.rpm
to check if installed
rpm -q openssl
rpm -q openssl-devel

1A. Install OpenSSL from (doesn't work for OpenLDAPv2.0.11)
- gunzip openssl-engine-0_9_6a_tar.gz in /usr/local/devtools on dev
- tar xvf openssl-engine-0_9_6a_tar
cd openssl-engine-0.9.6a
- ./config
- make -> make test -> make install
This creates /usr/share/ssl, /usr/include/openssl dirs, and files
in /usr/bin, /usr/lib, ...

2. Generate self-signed x509 certificate for Metacat <-> LDAP communications
over SSL
- cd /usr/share/ssl
- generate new certificate request & key pair
openssl req new -out REQ.pem -keyout KEY.pem
generate the self-signed x509 certificate from the cert request and the key
openssl req -x509 -in REQ.pem -key KEY.pem -out CERT.pem
These create 3 files in /usr/share/ssl

3. Import the certificate on the client (Metacat) as trusted:
keytool import -alias ldap -file /usr/share/ssl/CERT.pem -keystore
[Note: The following should be preliminary done when configuring Metacat with
SSL support:
Install JSSE as extension on Metacat: copy jart.jar, jnet.jar, and jsse.jar
in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib (this won't be necessary with
- Register the SUN's JSSE provider by adding 1 line in
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ as:]

4. Install OpenLdap with TLS/SSL support (get the distribution from
- download a copy to /user/local/devtools
- tar xvf openldap-2_0_7.tgz
cd openldap-2.0.7
- CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include; export CPPFLAGS
- LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib; export LDFLAGS
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/devtools --with-tls --with-wrappers --with-
- make depend -> make -> make test -> su root -> make install

5. Configure slapd (edit slapd.conf)
- cd /usr/local/devtools/etc/openldap
- vi ./slapd.conf
- insert 3 lines as:
include /usr/local/devtools/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /usr/local/devtools/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /usr/local/devtools/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
- edit suffix and rootdn as:
suffix "dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org"
rootdn "cn=Directory Manager,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org"
- insert ldbm access control definitions as:
access to attr=userPassword
by anonymous auth
by dn="cn=Directory Manager,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org" write
by * none
access to *
by dn="cn=Directory Manager,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org" write
by * read
- insert 3 lines for TLS/SSL support as:
TLSCertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/CERT.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /usr/share/ssl/KEY.pem
TLSCACertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/CERT.pem

6. Run slapd (as root)
- cd /usr/local/devtools/libexec
- ./slapd [-h "ldap:/// ldaps:///"] [-d debug-level] [-u username/id]
where -h option is used to start two listeners: one for LDAP on default port
389 and the second for LDAP over SSL on default port 636

Note: LDAPv3 (as with this version of OpenLdapv2.0.11) supports Start TLS
The LDAP server must be set up with X.509 certificate (already did) and
requires JSDKv1.4 on the client (Metacat) in order to use the extended
interface in javax.naming.ldap for StartTLS support.
With TLS the same port 389 is used and does not require the second port as 636.

7. Restart Tomcat

Actions #6

Updated by Jivka Bojilova over 23 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 138


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