From 04/24/2002 to 05/23/2002
- 01:19 PM Bug #466: Create a JUnit class for Metacat action
- Test cases for successful and failed login as NCEAS, PISCO and LTER ladp users
were created.
Test cases for inserti...
- 10:15 AM Bug #502: Security issues in replication
- Now code was changed and public key can be a control for replcation. Even a
server is the replication server list, b...
- 03:30 PM Bug #502: Security issues in replication
- public key couldn't control the replication.
If in NCEAS keystore, it didn't contaion LTER's public key. But LTER is... - 01:32 PM Bug #474: Metacat in Ecoinfo hang
- Two classes DBConnection and DBConnectionPool were added into cvs. Another
test class DBConnectionPoolTester was cre...
- 11:41 AM Bug #474: Metacat in Ecoinfo hang
- DBConnectionPool will be used as second class's name.
- 11:25 AM Bug #474: Metacat in Ecoinfo hang
- Sounds like a good idea. I would recommend calling the second class
DBConnectionPool rather than DBCOnnectionUtil, b... - 10:55 AM Bug #474: Metacat in Ecoinfo hang
- We upload the package and play with it couple times. But it did not cause
metacat hang.
I decide to revise db conne... - 08:40 AM Bug #503: Access control problem to a replicated doucment
- Add a permission control in DocumentImple class for server code not equlas 1 (
this means the document was replicate...
- 04:24 PM Bug #503 (Resolved): Access control problem to a replicated doucment
- If a document was created by user A in NCEAS metacat. Its permission set owner
has all permission and public has re...
- 05:40 PM Bug #478: Security hole in Metacat for data file.
- In build.xml, metacat administrator can specify a absolute path for storing
data file. The property name is datafile...
- 06:18 PM Bug #331: metacat data replication feature
- replicationsenddata and replicationacceptdata were added to build.xml.
Replication code was changed too.
So adminis... - 03:58 PM Bug #331: metacat data replication feature
- Replication data will be considered two possibility. One is for accept data,
the other is send data. So administer c... - 03:12 PM Bug #332: hub replication feature
- In, a variable named hub is set. If its value=super. Then
the metacat can replicate (both force r... - 01:02 PM Bug #502 (Resolved): Security issues in replication
- During the replication, security is a issue too. At least, we need some
authentication for control server list.
... - 12:44 PM Bug #479: Debug message level
- A static method debugMessage(String msg, int level) was add to MetaCatUtil
class. User can assign different debug le... - 10:28 AM Bug #474: Metacat in Ecoinfo hang
- Dan tried to access same package from two instances of morpho, and made
metacat hang there.
We tired download one d...
- 01:49 PM Bug #193: evaluate recursive search performance
- Uniform xml documents were applied to test the query performance in both Oracle and Postgresql.To Oracle, path query ...
- 09:44 AM Bug #479 (Resolved): Debug message level
- In metacat, we use a flag to control display debug message or not. The flag
just have two values: true or false.
- 09:10 AM Bug #478 (Resolved): Security hole in Metacat for data file.
- In metacat, data files are put into the data directory in the same directory
as the servlet context. So one can do ...
- 05:33 PM Bug #331: metacat data replication feature
- Now, administrator can configure the metacat to replicate nothing, meta data
only or meta data and data file by set ... - 08:20 AM Bug #475: Associate access doc to some docid which doesn't have entry in xml_access table in knb
- We changed idea and don't want the porgram work. We hope the owner of the data
package use morpho to open it and ass...
- 08:25 AM Bug #473: LTER Metacat LDAP Authentican is NOT case sensitive for passwords
- I think the problem is because LTER didn't install the new version of
Metacat1.1. If Metacat1.1 didn't work either, ...
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