



From 04/03/2003 to 05/02/2003


06:16 PM Bug #968: Access control for eml2 documents
Currently, metacat only support access control for top level. The others rule
will be ignored.
Jing Tao
06:14 PM Bug #1053: 'ampersand' (&) problem in ResultSet
In extended query, the value for return fields need to be normalized(for
example, '&' should be replaced by "&"....
Jing Tao
04:54 PM Bug #1053 (Resolved): 'ampersand' (&) problem in ResultSet
One of Christy's students entered an ampersnaf ('&') in the dataPackage name
field for a package and discovered that...
Dan Higgins
06:10 PM Bug #468: TLS between ldap server and metacat
Postphone it to next release
Jing Tao
06:09 PM Bug #636: Need to generalize data/metadata linking mechanism
For eml2, we still use relation table to store the relationship between data
and metadata.
Jing Tao
06:08 PM Bug #929: Occasionally, deletes are VERY slow
It is hard to duplicate the problem. Acturally it very fast delete a file from
Jing Tao
06:05 PM Bug #195: allow metacat to store files on multiple fs
Postone to next release
Jing Tao
06:03 PM Revision 1630 (metacat): Field data will be normalized.
Jing Tao
03:04 PM Revision 1629 (metacat): Add code to hanlder wirte and update funtion.
Jing Tao


06:22 PM Revision 1628 (metacat): Write the readme for 1.3.0
Jing Tao
06:22 PM Revision 1627 (metacat): Revise some instruction
Jing Tao
09:20 AM Bug #1012: Need to allow metacat admin to set default mime type
When usr asks for a data file, metacat will take a look on xml_relation table
to find a metadata document which desc...
Jing Tao
08:36 AM Bug #1032: Metacat replication needs email for failure (hub especially)
An eorr log file was sperate from replication log file. So it is easy to find
which document was failed in replicati...
Jing Tao


11:26 PM Revision 1626 (metacat): Create a foreign key for table accesssubtree.
Jing Tao
07:24 PM Revision 1625 (metacat): Add a foreign key in xml_accesssbutree table.
Jing Tao
07:23 PM Revision 1624 (metacat): Add a foreign key in xml_accesssubtree table.
Jing Tao
07:17 PM Revision 1623 (metacat): Add a foreign key in accesssubtree table.
Jing Tao
05:25 PM Revision 1622 (metacat): Add code to write relation table.
Jing Tao
05:24 PM Revision 1621 (metacat): Add some debug message.
Jing Tao
03:20 PM Revision 1620 (metacat): Add a foreign key constrain in xml_accesssubtree table.
Jing Tao
03:19 PM Revision 1619 (metacat): add code to make sure subject, relationship and object is not null.
Jing Tao
03:18 PM Revision 1618 (metacat): Add delete access subtree in delete method.
Jing Tao


03:04 PM Revision 1617 (metacat): Get the file size limit from property rather than hard code.
Jing Tao
03:03 PM Revision 1616 (metacat): Add a variable for data file size limit.
Jing Tao


08:30 PM Revision 1615 (metacat): Don't write online data id into db.
Jing Tao
05:43 PM Revision 1614 (metacat): Fixed bug to find catalog id for eml2 document.
Jing Tao
03:21 PM Revision 1613 (metacat): Get rid of http client and still using sun protocol handler. Because it can repicate 817 M big data file(which is bigger than local mem and swap)
Jing Tao
03:19 PM Revision 1612 (metacat): Add new target getdtdschema and get rid of htttpclient.
Jing Tao
03:18 PM Revision 1611 (metacat): Add the code to drop the unique constrain (subject, relationship, object) and add(docid, subject, relationship, object)
Jing Tao


11:04 PM Revision 1610 (metacat): Revise code to decide use which parser.
Jing Tao
09:30 PM Revision 1609 (metacat): Fixed a bug to checking error.
Jing Tao
05:18 PM Revision 1608 (metacat): It is as same as version 7.1.
Jing Tao
04:30 PM Revision 1607 (metacat): Add a new revise file for postgresql which version is more than 7.2
Jing Tao
01:38 PM Revision 1606 (metacat): Revise getURLContent method and give up httpclient.
Jing Tao


08:56 PM Revision 1605 (metacat): Change a unique constraint in xml_relation table.
Jing Tao
08:55 PM Revision 1604 (metacat): Change a unique constrain in xml_relation table.
Jing Tao
08:53 PM Revision 1603 (metacat): Change a unique key of relation table.
Jing Tao
09:58 AM Revision 1602 (metacat): Add httpclient.jar into cpath.
Jing Tao
09:55 AM Revision 1601 (metacat): Add http client jar.
Jing Tao
09:53 AM Revision 1600 (metacat): Add code to get rid of white space in url.
Jing Tao
09:52 AM Revision 1599 (metacat): Using httpclient as http and https protocol handler.
Jing Tao
09:51 AM Revision 1598 (metacat): Add a new method to replace whtie space by %20 in url string.
Jing Tao
09:25 AM Revision 1597 (metacat): Change a debug statement.
Jing Tao


07:15 PM Revision 1596 (metacat): sql for registrying dtd and schema into xml_catalog directory.
Jing Tao
06:36 PM Revision 1595 (metacat): Change the code to get docid.
Jing Tao
10:03 AM Revision 1594 (metacat): Add debugMessage.
Jing Tao


07:10 PM Revision 1593 (metacat): Change dtdsql target to dtdshemasql.
Jing Tao
07:09 PM Revision 1592 (metacat): This class will write triple to db.
Jing Tao
07:08 PM Revision 1591 (metacat): Move the code that writes triple to db to DBSAXHandler class.
Jing Tao
07:06 PM Revision 1590 (metacat): Add code to parse triple.
Jing Tao


09:25 PM Revision 1589 (metacat): Change some comment and add code to drop xml_accesssubtree table.
Jing Tao
09:23 PM Revision 1588 (metacat): Combine files to modify access table and add new accesssubtree table.
Jing Tao
09:23 PM Revision 1587 (metacat): Delete this file and move code to reviseformetacat13.sql
Jing Tao
09:22 PM Revision 1586 (metacat): Delete the file and move code to reviseformetacat13.sql
Jing Tao
08:33 PM Revision 1585 (metacat): Add a method to write error message into log file.
Jing Tao
08:32 PM Revision 1584 (metacat): Revise code to handle text node be splitted into two nodes.
Jing Tao
08:31 PM Revision 1583 (metacat): Revise update method. Every write action will check out a db connection. So it can handle a huge mount of write action.
Jing Tao
08:29 PM Revision 1582 (metacat): Change a method from private to public and it can be shared by other class.
Jing Tao
08:29 PM Revision 1581 (metacat): Revise code to handle text node were splited into two nodes.
Jing Tao
08:28 PM Revision 1580 (metacat): Add a variable for replication error log file.
Jing Tao
08:27 PM Revision 1579 (metacat): Add variable replication error log file.
Jing Tao
11:59 AM Bug #1047: Create triggers on LTER tables for ldap insert
I understand the need for this type of integration, but I wanted to note that
this harvester software MUST run...
Matt Jones
11:32 AM Bug #1047 (Resolved): Create triggers on LTER tables for ldap insert
Need insert and update triggers for person, contact, lter tables. to insert
records into LDAP table.
David Blankman
11:36 AM Bug #1048 (Resolved): create delete from ldap table code
Once the insert or update is successful, delete the record ffrom the ldap table.
need to capture the $emailalias v...
David Blankman
11:24 AM Bug #1046 (Resolved): LTER LDAP database coordination perl script changes
need success and failure messages & rountines built into perl scripts since ldap
inserts will be done behind the sce...
David Blankman


11:09 PM Revision 1578 (metacat): Add a variable for itislib.
Jing Tao
10:56 PM Revision 1577 (metacat): Using triple rather than query to get relation.
Jing Tao
10:55 PM Revision 1576 (metacat): Don't apply access rule for online data file.
Jing Tao
10:54 PM Revision 1575 (metacat): Add relation handler and access handler here.
Jing Tao
10:53 PM Revision 1574 (metacat): Get rid of access and relationa runner from run() method.
Jing Tao
10:52 PM Revision 1573 (metacat): Add a itislib.jar file for metacat(morpho code using it)
Jing Tao
10:51 PM Revision 1572 (metacat): Make morpho.jar is binary file tag in cvs.
Jing Tao
03:09 PM Bug #213: transaction support for packages
Agreed. In addition, this mechanism allows for all of the access control rules
for a package to be applied to all of ...
Matt Jones
03:02 PM Bug #213: transaction support for packages
This is the summary for the conference call with Matt and Chad in April 17,
MetaCat need two other actions: T...
Jing Tao
10:25 AM Revision 1570 (metacat): Add a new target schemasql. It will register eml2 namesapce into xml_catalog.
Jing Tao
10:24 AM Revision 1569 (metacat): Fixed error in sql command.
Jing Tao
10:24 AM Revision 1568 (metacat): Get eml2namespace from token
Jing Tao
09:59 AM Revision 1567 (metacat): A script to register eml into xml_catalog.
Jing Tao
09:52 AM Revision 1566 (metacat): Delete this file, because it's code moved to another file reviseformetacat13.sql.
Jing Tao
09:51 AM Revision 1565 (metacat): Delete this file, because it's code move to reviseformetcat13.sql
Jing Tao
09:49 AM Revision 1564 (metacat): Combine the script whcih modify existing table for metacat 1.3
Jing Tao


10:51 PM Revision 1563 (metacat): Add code to handle access rule for online data.
Jing Tao
10:12 PM Revision 1562 (metacat): Add code to handle eml2 replciation.
Jing Tao
10:11 PM Revision 1561 (metacat): Add code to handle initialize eml2 parser.
Jing Tao
10:10 PM Revision 1560 (metacat): Change writereplication method to non-static.
Jing Tao
10:09 PM Revision 1559 (metacat): Add some debugMessage.
Jing Tao
10:07 PM Revision 1558 (metacat): Change some debug level
Jing Tao


09:19 PM Revision 1557 (metacat): Add some new method to get docid from online url.
Jing Tao
09:18 PM Revision 1556 (metacat): Add contenttypeprovider when read a data file.
Jing Tao
09:18 PM Revision 1555 (metacat): Fixed a bug which cause null exception.
Jing Tao
09:17 PM Revision 1554 (metacat): Change eml2namespace variable from private to public.
Jing Tao
09:16 PM Revision 1553 (metacat): Add code to handle eml2 contentype.
Jing Tao
09:15 PM Revision 1552 (metacat): Add new varible httpserver.
Jing Tao


07:18 PM Revision 1551 (metacat): Get eml2 name space from peroperty file.
Jing Tao
07:17 PM Revision 1550 (metacat): Add a new class to handle contenttyp setting for data file.
Jing Tao
07:17 PM Revision 1549 (metacat): Add entitydoctype, physicaldoctype and eml2namespace here.
Jing Tao


08:09 PM Revision 1548 (metacat): Add some debug message.
Jing Tao
08:08 PM Revision 1547 (metacat): Fixed bug for storing access section.
Jing Tao


07:17 PM Revision 1546 (metacat): Add a contenEquals method.
Jing Tao
07:17 PM Revision 1545 (metacat): Add a method to revise a stack.
Jing Tao
07:16 PM Revision 1544 (metacat): Add code to handle reference access couldn't be updated if user doesn't have all permission.
Jing Tao
07:15 PM Revision 1543 (metacat): Add some methods and fields here.
Jing Tao
09:23 AM Revision 1542 (metacat): Add a field to this class.
Jing Tao
09:23 AM Revision 1541 (metacat): Fixed bug to decide if a document is a accesss document.
Jing Tao
09:22 AM Revision 1540 (metacat): Add code to handle update access subtree.
Jing Tao
09:21 AM Revision 1539 (metacat): Extends this class from subtree and changed some methods.
Jing Tao


10:00 AM Revision 1538 (metacat): added a prefix to the debug statements. the default is the build name property. The prefix can be set in the build.xml file. the property name is 'debugprefix'


05:45 PM Revision 1537 (metacat): Add code to handle access module to keep track startid and end id.
Jing Tao
05:44 PM Revision 1536 (metacat): Add some methods to handle start node id and end node id.
Jing Tao
04:36 PM Revision 1535 (metacat): Add run access control even for access document.
Jing Tao
04:35 PM Revision 1534 (metacat): Get rid off to pasre additional access module.
Jing Tao
11:03 AM Revision 1533 (metacat): accidentally overwrote the web.xml file with the tomcat4 web.xml file.
11:02 AM Revision 1532 (metacat): new eml.jar file that is binary


06:15 PM Revision 1531 (metacat): Add code to store info for access block itself.
Jing Tao
06:14 PM Revision 1530 (metacat): Add code to create a new table to store info about access block itself.
Jing Tao
06:13 PM Revision 1529 (metacat): Patch script to create a table to store info for access block it self.
Jing Tao
06:12 PM Revision 1528 (metacat): Patch script to create a table to store info about access block itself.
Jing Tao
04:51 PM Bug #1032 (Resolved): Metacat replication needs email for failure (hub especially)
During current hub replication tests the replication stopped after 980 of approx
2700 documents. In addition to impr...
David Blankman
04:30 PM Revision 1527 (metacat): Change the key of unaccessablesubtree from subtreeid to startnodeid. because some subtree doesn't have subtreeid.
Jing Tao
01:58 PM Revision 1526 (metacat): Add code to get filted subtree nodes
Jing Tao
01:58 PM Revision 1525 (metacat): Add code to handle eml document
Jing Tao
01:57 PM Revision 1524 (metacat): Add returndoctype and returnfield for eml2
Jing Tao
01:56 PM Revision 1523 (metacat): move cvs-root to easily be edited.
Jing Tao
11:29 AM Revision 1522 (metacat): added target to clean the servlet install directory


05:48 PM Revision 1521 (metacat): Change a method name to mergeEquivlentSubTree.
Jing Tao
05:48 PM Revision 1520 (metacat): Implement Comparator interface.
Jing Tao
05:47 PM Revision 1519 (metacat): Revise the class.
Jing Tao
10:58 AM Revision 1518 (metacat): Change the debugMessage for characters.
Jing Tao
10:41 AM Revision 1517 (metacat): Add code for checking if a user try to update inline data.
Jing Tao
10:33 AM Revision 1516 (metacat): Add code to handle check inline data if a user update it but the user doesn't have permission to do it.
Jing Tao
10:28 AM Revision 1515 (metacat): Move a methods
Jing Tao


05:47 PM Revision 1514 (metacat): Add a new class to handle nested subtree access control.
Jing Tao
03:26 PM Revision 1513 (metacat): Add code to handle if a unaccessable subtree is another subtree of unaccessable subtree.
Jing Tao
09:40 AM Revision 1512 (metacat): Finished the coding to ckeck an user try to update a subtree which it doesn't have write permission.
Jing Tao


06:35 PM Revision 1511 (metacat): Add code to handle checking if user updated a subtree which he doesn't have permission.
Jing Tao
06:34 PM Revision 1510 (metacat): Change processDTD to protected.
Jing Tao

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