From 11/23/2003 to 12/22/2003
- 04:49 PM Revision 1980 (metacat): New formatting and text for the NCEAS data registry.
- 04:12 PM Revision 1979 (metacat): Further changes to the registry scripts to support the NCEAS registry
- with access to the project list fromthe admindb. Also, fixed a bug with
the script where creators were getting dupli... - 11:50 AM Revision 1978 (metacat): Configuration file for NCEAS registry.
- 05:08 PM Revision 1977 (metacat): Modifications that allow working group entries to be put in as creators, and
- a whole bunch of re-formatting for horribly formatted code that I need to
read to finish this thing up. - 05:03 PM Revision 1976 (metacat): Adding style files for the new NCEAS skin for metacat, which includes
- files needed for the NCEAS data repository.
- 01:45 AM Revision 1975 (metacat): Updated registry further for NCEAS-specific needs. Confirm data template
- now handles new wg field. Still need to write WG metadata into EML document.
- 05:37 PM Revision 1974 (metacat): Additional work on the NCEAS/AdminDB integration. Working Groups now
- presented as a dropdown box for multiple selection. Need to write the
info to the XML file now and handle it in conf... - 02:58 PM Revision 1973 (metacat): Preliminary changes to support the NCEAS data registry connection to the
- AdminDB to retrieve project lists.
- 12:39 PM Revision 1972 (metacat): Harvester Class Diagram
- 12:37 PM Revision 1971 (metacat): Remove corrupted version
- 11:56 AM Revision 1970 (metacat): Revisions to the Harvester ERD diagram showing how I think the design can
- be simplified to eliminate duplicate information. Needs further work
before it is implementable. - 09:13 AM Revision 1969 (metacat): Harvester Class Diagram, class descriptions, sequence of operations.
- 03:42 PM Revision 1968 (metacat): Improvements to the OBFS stylesheet, especially for EML display. Now we
- import the eml_xsl.css stylesheet and override several of its templates.
- 09:41 AM Revision 1967 (metacat): Relocated to metacat/lib/harvester
- 09:25 AM Revision 1966 (metacat): Relocated to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
- 09:17 AM Revision 1965 (metacat): Relocate to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
- 07:25 PM Revision 1964 (metacat): took out h2 tags, added valign=top to TD containing logo, and added missing quotes on a link target=top
- 03:09 PM Revision 1963 (metacat): deleted harvesterConfiguration.xsd. This has been replaced by harvestDocument.xsd now found in metacat/lib/harvester and metacatHarvesterERD.vsd (/metacat/docs/dev/harvester) which models the database tables to be added to metacat.
- 03:03 PM Revision 1962 (metacat): This is the harvesterDocument.xsd. It will be used to validate harvestDocument.xml documents.
- 02:42 PM Revision 1961 (metacat): This is the metacat database schema with the additions for harvester.
- 01:57 PM Revision 1960 (metacat): moved document to metcat/test/harvest directory
- 01:48 PM Revision 1959 (metacat): This is a sample of a harvest document relocated from the metacat/lib directory
- 01:43 PM Revision 1958 (metacat): This is a sample of a harvest document.
- 01:32 PM Revision 1957 (metacat): This is an xml schema that describes the harvest document. The harvest document provides a metacat docid, a document type and a url for "get" ing the eml document.
- 01:15 AM Revision 1956 (metacat): Enabled stylesheet parameters to be passed through metacat even when the
- 'query' function is called. Previously, query would interpret all
parameters except a few hardcoded ones to be pathe...
- 11:42 PM Revision 1955 (metacat): Updates that allow registry script to update the lastid field more efficiently
- by calling the metacat 'getlastdocid' function for a given scope. Also some
debugging support added, and a bug where... - 11:07 PM Revision 1954 (metacat): Build changes that allow the registry install dependency on the beta
- 6 stylesheet converters to be automatically satisfied. Now, if the
webmdentry module hasn't been checked out, it is,...
- 07:01 PM Revision 1953 (metacat): Added new function "getLastId" to the perl Metacat client. Returns
- the hisghest docid in use in a given scope.
- 04:42 PM Revision 1952 (metacat): New build system that creates a war file and deploys it to tomcat. Also
- updated the web.xml files so that a better servlet path is used. Now, by
default, the servlet path will be: /knb/met... - 01:21 PM Revision 1951 (metacat): Moved the file from the jar file to now be located in
- the tomcat context directory in WEB-INF. Now the metacat configuration is
editable in place. This change depends on... - 07:48 AM Revision 1950 (metacat): Add harvester targets
- 09:49 AM Revision 1949 (metacat): Improvements to Harvester single file upload servlets
- 08:50 AM Revision 1948 (metacat): Harvester forms to support single file upload to metacat.
- 05:02 PM Revision 1947 (metacat): Fixed links to ldapweb to include the cfg param for proper styling.
- 03:50 PM Revision 1946 (metacat): removed search box from header
- 03:28 PM Revision 1945 (metacat): corrected image path
- 03:04 PM Revision 1944 (metacat): missed an edit when fixing the bug whereby form names aren't allowed to contain hyphens
- 09:26 AM Revision 1943 (metacat): build props for production metacat on ecoinfo
- 04:48 PM Revision 1939 (metacat): overhaul of ant build file. removed duplicate code for getting dtds and schema. Renamed these targets, pulled all code for copying xsl into a single target (still need separate targets for getting beta6 eml files nad eml2+ files, since older version uses dtds instead of schema.) In future, as eml versions are added, the geteml2+ target shoudl be updated to use the ant iterator class found in the utilities module - this would enable the cvs tags to be defined as a comma-delimited list, and then a common target can be called multile times to do the checkouts, instead of duplicating code. Also added description= attributes to all the targets that looked as if they shoudl be public. These now appear (with their descriptions) when the user types ant -projecthelp
- 11:38 AM Revision 1938 (metacat): changed getdtdschema tarhet to copy eml css to cvs source tree metacat/lib/style/common directory, same as the copy for the XSL stylesheets. Created new ant parameter to hold value of path lib/style/common.
- 11:22 AM Revision 1937 (metacat): fixed iframe tag- had multiple closings. Also added text for browsers that can't display iframes
- 10:44 AM Revision 1936 (metacat): Remove email notification from registry script.
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