



From 01/06/2004 to 02/04/2004


03:56 PM Bug #1311 (Closed): Registry: Links should open in a new window and windows should move to front
All links should open in new window to avoid loss of any data. Saurabh Garg
03:53 PM Bug #1300: Changes in DataSet Orignator

4> Change delivery information to street information.
5> Is the address information entered in EML after parsing t...
Saurabh Garg
03:03 PM Bug #1300 (New): Changes in DataSet Orignator
1) Eliminate the label "Originator Address Information"
2) Change the Originator label to "Principal Data Set Owner"...
Saurabh Garg
03:46 PM Bug #1310 (Resolved): Old ACLs are overwritten by registry
The old ACL is overwritten by the registry. Possibility of this happening is
very low. FOr this to happen, the docu...
Saurabh Garg
03:34 PM Bug #1309 (Resolved): Registry: Changes in Spatial Coverage
1> Is the lat/long precision calculated correctly
2> Validate Lat/Long fields
1. 0-59 for minutes and secon...
Saurabh Garg
03:31 PM Bug #1308 (Resolved): Change text in Data set Contact
The text under data set contact has to be changed:
-> Name and Address instead of Name.
-> Use creator instead ...
Saurabh Garg
03:30 PM Bug #1307 (Resolved): Remove two nones from the keyword drop down list
Saurabh Garg
03:28 PM Bug #1306 (Resolved): Registry form doesn't format correctly in Mozilla.
The registry doesnt format correctly in Mozilla - the form seems to work fine
for IE.
Saurabh Garg
03:19 PM Bug #1305 (Resolved): Display docid on the top of the edit form
Display docid on the top of the edit form so that it is easier for user to
track the document he is changing.
Saurabh Garg
03:18 PM Bug #1304 (Resolved): Add view button in addition to Edit and Delete button in resultset.xsl
Saurabh Garg
03:16 PM Bug #1303 (Resolved): Entering of spatial coverage and temporal coverage as optional for NCEAS
A long term solution might be to specify in .cfg file, which enteries should be
required and which not.
Saurabh Garg
03:13 PM Bug #1302 (Resolved): Changes in links to the guide and updating the guide
-> The linsk to the guide need to be changed so that it is easier to understand
that they are links. Or a help icon...
Saurabh Garg
03:09 PM Bug #1301 (Resolved): Repeatable button for Originators and Keywords entry
Use the repeatable button for originator and keyword entry. This will allow
person to as many keywords and originat...
Saurabh Garg
02:56 PM Bug #1299 (New): Registry: NCEAS: Changes in project list box
The project list structure needs to be explained. So a legend is needed for
decoding enteries like Alroy: FossilRec...
Saurabh Garg
02:47 PM Bug #1298 (Resolved): Change in the way required fields are displayed
Make the required fields brick red and change note at the top of the page.
Maybe remove * sign.
Saurabh Garg
02:46 PM Bug #1297 (New): Registry: Changes in the Basic Information
-> Add middle name to first name and last name fields
-> Rearrange names into one line
-> Dataset title should go...
Saurabh Garg
02:38 PM Bug #1296 (Resolved): Registry: Need to login before the form is filled
There is a request for putting login first. The reason for the request is that
it might be frustrating for a user t...
Saurabh Garg
02:38 PM Bug #1295 (Resolved): Registry: Button texts are ambiguous and need to be changed.
Change the text of the buttons to following:
-> Review Entry
-> Change reset to 'Cancel'
-> Yes, submit.
-> N...
Saurabh Garg

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