



From 06/30/2005 to 07/29/2005


12:59 PM Bug #2060: Documents not indexed because of error generated during indexing of documents

Changin severity of teh bug to Critical because with the new changes if the
indexing thread fails, the paths will n...
Saurabh Garg


01:07 PM Bug #2153: Metacat Performace: Add/drop indices on key columns

Indexes can also be added to docid and nodetype in xml_nodes.....
Saurabh Garg
10:28 AM Bug #2152: Metacat Performace: Reduce size of xml_nodes table

From Postgres documentation, the limits on the sequence...
"Sequences are based on bigint arithmetic, so the range c...
Saurabh Garg


12:42 PM Bug #2154: Metacat Performace: Configurable path condition indices

It will also speed up queries like the following which are used while creating
the doclist...
select xml_nodes.d...
Saurabh Garg


06:37 PM Bug #2154: Metacat Performace: Configurable path condition indices

From my email:
Metacat can have a new index table for admin specified fields. This will be
helpful as both xml_nod...
Saurabh Garg
06:16 PM Bug #2154 (Resolved): Metacat Performace: Configurable path condition indices
From Matt's email...
Configurable path condition indices -- this would allow admins to
configure specific XML pat...
Saurabh Garg
06:35 PM Bug #2152: Metacat Performace: Reduce size of xml_nodes table

While implementing this, have to check whats the limit on the sequence numbers
that are being assigned to xml_nodes...
Saurabh Garg
06:11 PM Bug #2152 (Resolved): Metacat Performace: Reduce size of xml_nodes table
xml_nodes is huge (6.8x106 records), and grows with every insert and
update by many thousands of records. By design...
Saurabh Garg
06:34 PM Bug #2159 (New): Metacat Performance: Divide xml_nodes based on the doctype
Matt suggested that xml_nodes table can probably be divided into multiple
tables based on the doctype. For example,...
Saurabh Garg
06:27 PM Bug #2158 (Resolved): Metacat Performance on KNB: Bring the logging level down on ecoinfo.
Dont know how much this effects the performance but we might be logging more
than required on the production server...
Saurabh Garg
06:24 PM Bug #2157 (Resolved): Metacat Performance: Optimize Postgres and Tomcat...
There might be some options in Tomcat to speed things up a little bit. e.g.
Chris suggested about turning off autol...
Saurabh Garg
06:20 PM Bug #2156 (Resolved): Metacat Performance: Send result back to web client in blocks
Comparing Metacat with other search engines, there is a major
difference in the metacat web interface when compared ...
Saurabh Garg
06:17 PM Bug #2155 (In Progress): Metacat Performace: Rewrite the xml_nodes queries
From Matt's email...
Rewrite the xml_nodes queries. In general we use the IN clause a lot
which is less than eff...
Saurabh Garg
06:14 PM Bug #2153 (Resolved): Metacat Performace: Add/drop indices on key columns
From Matt's email...
DB indices aren't created on some key columns such as
xml_nodes.nodedata (originally because...
Saurabh Garg


03:24 PM Bug #2136: Replicate deleted documents in Replication
Here is the new approach:
When metacat A send a command "update" to metacat B, B will send two doclist to A.
The fir...
Jing Tao


11:54 AM Bug #2136 (Resolved): Replicate deleted documents in Replication
Currently in Delta-timed replication, metacat only replicated the documents in
xml_documents table. So even after th...
Jing Tao

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