



From 08/07/2007 to 09/05/2007


10:29 AM Bug #2932 (Resolved): KNB Data Catalog Map feature searches revert to default page
Searches done from the KNB Data Catalog Map page use the default header and search box rather than the portal header.... Callie Bowdish


10:50 AM Bug #2905 (Resolved): Query cache mechanism
I implemented a simple query cache system in metacat. The core of the cache is a Hashtable. The key of Hashtable is a... Jing Tao


05:25 PM Bug #2805: Metacat Performance: updates from Morpho of data packages are taking longer than five minutes
After creating a index in docid in xml_index table, the time for deleting decreased from 97 seconds less than 1 second. Jing Tao
03:45 PM Bug #2805: Metacat Performance: updates from Morpho of data packages are taking longer than five minutes
I timed the update command and found out deleting xml_index table is the bottleneck. I updated a very simple document... Jing Tao

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