



From 08/28/2009 to 09/26/2009


09:36 AM Revision 5063 (metacat): include download link instead of an ecogrid pointer ben leinfelder


04:30 PM Revision 5062 (metacat): include ecogrid link to the external file in downloaded data
ben leinfelder
01:36 PM Bug #4405: PISCO, KNB and LTER have different query result for SBC datasets.
After rebuilding the index (through metacat servlet API), margaret confirmed that knb and lter have the same (correct... Jing Tao


12:41 PM Revision 5061 (metacat): do not search across items when simply "browsing all"
ben leinfelder
12:38 PM Revision 5060 (metacat): comment out a debugging alert() call
ben leinfelder
12:23 PM Bug #4405: PISCO, KNB and LTER have different query result for SBC datasets.
This bug may relate to bug 4367 Jing Tao
12:22 PM Bug #4405 (Resolved): PISCO, KNB and LTER have different query result for SBC datasets.
> > > On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Margaret O'Brien <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi metacat dev -
Jing Tao


10:09 PM Revision 5059 (metacat): use keyword field for both assessments and assessment items
remove unused query options that were in place for the mock up UI
ben leinfelder
04:53 PM Revision 5058 (metacat): search across _items_ as well as assessments
note: you can switch this feature off using the checkbox prov...
ben leinfelder


03:12 PM Revision 5057 (metacat): Add session validation to metacat tpc and workflow scheduler. Fix sanparks skin session management so it always uses the logged in session id.
03:08 PM Revision 5056 (metacat): Make some error messages more understandable
10:15 AM Bug #4368 (New): The response page is confusing after calling "buildindex" command
I used web browser to call "buildindex" command to metacat. "buildindex" command DID work. This is good. However, my ... Jing Tao
10:09 AM Bug #4367 (Resolved): metacat didn't update xml_path_index table while a document was updated
Hi Jing:
Marissa Bauer, working on the POD project, created a new data package
using Mo...
Jing Tao


04:23 PM Revision 5055 (metacat): change to DM that preserve the order of the attributes being selected
ben leinfelder
02:23 PM Revision 5054 (metacat): include latest datamanager changes - notably the performance enhancement regarding attributes and table creation
ben leinfelder
01:47 PM Revision 5053 (metacat): add performance debugging statements for dataquery action
ben leinfelder


05:29 PM Revision 5052 (metacat): do not use the jdk logging - this was being used with the datamanager for some reason (but not the rest of metacat).
we use log4j... ben leinfelder
11:17 AM Revision 5051 (metacat): change utilities tag property to include "tag/" so that it can be changed from an explicit tag to "trunk" if needed.
11:07 AM Revision 5050 (metacat): Build against utilities trunk until release time


04:53 PM Revision 5049 (metacat): Add code from Bill Baker, which uses certficate to login metacat.
Jing Tao
02:26 PM Bug #4356 (Resolved): knb website query result shows old version of a document
>>>> Oliver Soong wrote:
>>>>> I dropped a note about this on IRC, and Matt suggested you two might
>>>>> be...
Jing Tao

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