



From 05/02/2015 to 05/31/2015


10:01 PM Revision 9226 (metacat): Add the code to create a new table smMediaTypeProperties.
Jing Tao
10:00 PM Revision 9225 (metacat): Change the name of the foreign key on the smMediaTypeProperties.
Jing Tao
09:49 PM Revision 9224 (metacat): Add a new table smMediaTypeProperties to store the properties associated with a media type.
Jing Tao
02:59 PM Revision 9223 (metacat): Add a new version of the schema.
Jing Tao


03:11 PM Revision 9220 (metacat): Throw an exception if the saving system metadata fails.
Jing Tao
01:19 PM Revision 9219 (metacat): Add the code to roll back the saved system metadata if the object can't be saved.
Jing Tao


02:49 PM Revision 9218 (metacat): Add the media_type and file_name columns.
Jing Tao
02:49 PM Revision 9217 (metacat): Add the media_type and file_name columns.
Jing Tao
02:48 PM Revision 9216 (metacat): Add two columns media_type and file_name.
Jing Tao
02:47 PM Revision 9215 (metacat): Add the media_type and file_name columns.
Jing Tao


10:19 AM Revision 9214 (metacat): Index science metadata fields for the Dublin Core Extended metadata format. - Use d1_cn_index_processor 1.4.5 in metacat-index and update beans with new dcx subprocessor and xsi namespace
Lauren Walker


04:25 PM Revision 9212 (metacat): Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.
Jing Tao
04:24 PM Revision 9211 (metacat): Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.
Fixed the bug the new column should be series_id rather than guid. Jing Tao
04:23 PM Revision 9210 (metacat): Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.
Jing Tao
04:22 PM Revision 9209 (metacat): Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.
Jing Tao
03:35 PM Revision 9208 (metacat): Add the data schema from dataone svn trunk. It maybe needs to be updated in future.
Jing Tao
02:39 PM Revision 9207 (metacat): Add a hash of a new index schema.
Jing Tao


10:43 PM Revision 9206 (metacat): Don't use ssClient as a class field. Now it is a local variable. This fixed an issue that two statements using the client caused the exception - Read timed out.
Jing Tao
05:19 PM Revision 9205 (metacat): Uncomment the code to copy the file to web-inf.
Jing Tao
02:09 PM Revision 9204 (metacat): refs: #7092. found another unclosed inputStream, this time in ReplicationService.handleForceReplicationDataFileRequest(...).
12:28 PM Revision 9203 (metacat): fixes #7092: added finally clause to ReplicationHandler.update method to unconditionally close the inputStreams it keeps in a Vector. Needs testing.


11:13 AM Bug #6756 (Resolved): Exception when a user create an account in the file authentication mechanism
The jar file names were changed, so it threw the NoClassDefFoundError. Now the script use the wild card in the class ... Jing Tao
11:11 AM Revision 9202 (metacat): Use the wild card in the class path. So it will not be pain if the jar files were changed.
Jing Tao


06:14 PM Revision 9201 (metacat): Add the code to test scenario that a user tries to update an archived object.
Jing Tao
06:13 PM Revision 9200 (metacat): Add the code to check if the client is trying to update an archived object. If it is, reject it.
Jing Tao
12:22 PM Revision 9199 (metacat): Move the dataset metadata label for metacatui EML
Lauren Walker
10:56 AM Bug #6756 (Resolved): Exception when a user create an account in the file authentication mechanism
Andrei report this issue on Metacat trunk:
On 4/28/15 12:05 PM, Andrei Buium wrote:
> Hi Jing,
> I'm still runni...
Jing Tao
10:41 AM Revision 9198 (metacat): Mark the entity metadata sections in metacatui EML transformations
Lauren Walker


05:35 PM Revision 9197 (metacat): Use the ecogrid 1.2.3 tag to replace the branch.
Jing Tao
05:04 PM Revision 9195 (metacat): Fixed an null pointer issue in this class.
Jing Tao


06:12 PM Bug #6746 (New): Should create a Ecogrid tag from SEEK/Branch_1_2_3 for Metacat
Current Metacat release using SEEK/EcoGrid_1_2_2 tag. This code base has an issue that it use hard-coded "http" proto... Jing Tao
04:29 PM Revision 9194 (metacat): Changed the FGDC MetacatUI theme translation so that it displays nicely in MetacatUI and works correctly
Lauren Walker
09:48 AM Revision 9193 (metacat): comment the statement related to the removed file lib/oa4mp_client.xml.
Jing Tao

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