



From 10/03/2015 to 11/01/2015


11:52 AM Feature #6845 (In Progress): Update Identifier in the metadata document when it is updated
Change the EML update to only occur on mn.publish() Lauren Walker
11:50 AM Feature #6512 (Rejected): Add brief explanation to Metacat docs for using custom map markers in a custom theme
This will be part of the MetacatUI docs that I will be creating for the 1.8.1 or 1.9.0 release... Lauren Walker


05:11 PM Feature #6417 (In Progress): Call MN.archive() when SM.archive=true in MN.systemMetadataChanged()
Jing Tao


06:02 PM Bug #6579 (Resolved): resourceMap field is not indexed after uploading a package via the online registry
I deployed the new code and tested on the mn-demo-8. It worked. Jing Tao
06:00 PM Bug #6847 (Closed): Fix listObjects() to filter by replicaStatus correctly
Jing Tao


09:11 AM Task #6855 (Closed): Update the metacat documentation
We need to change the java requirement from 1.6 to 1.7
The tomcat6 and above can be the requirement, but the examp...
Jing Tao


03:39 PM Bug #6847: Fix listObjects() to filter by replicaStatus correctly
The first url gets 2923, not 2930 items. Jing Tao
03:37 PM Bug #6847: Fix listObjects() to filter by replicaStatus correctly
Hi Chris:
Jing Tao
01:17 PM Bug #6847 (In Progress): Fix listObjects() to filter by replicaStatus correctly
After a bit of testing, it looks like this bug is limited to calls where multiple parameters are listed like count, f... Chris Jones

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