



From 08/28/2016 to 09/26/2016


10:03 PM Feature #7101 (Resolved): Metacat-index picks up the changes in log4j.properteis without restarting tomcat
In the initialize method of ApplicationControl class, the code like this was added:
Jing Tao
09:21 PM Feature #7101 (Resolved): Metacat-index picks up the changes in log4j.properteis without restarting tomcat
Metacat can pick up the changes in log4j.properteis without restarting tomcat. However, Metacat-index can't. This is... Jing Tao


02:40 PM Feature #7096 (Resolved): Disable the feature of downloading external schemas for unregistered namespaces
Disable the downloading for both dtd and schema files. Jing Tao
02:39 PM Feature #7097 (Resolved): Provide clear messages to clients if the namespaces/formatids of the schemas of xml objects are not registered in Metacat
Add the customized message rather than the general SAX message. Jing Tao
02:38 PM Feature #7098 (Resolved): Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Implemented above plan and wrote a junit test class for testing. Jing Tao


04:27 PM Bug #7100 (Resolved): Metacat Replication doesn't happen if an object is created by MN.create or CN.create
The problem is:
We use the method MNodeService.getInstance(request).create(session, guid, object, sysmeta) to create...
Jing Tao
03:47 PM Bug #7100 (Resolved): Metacat Replication doesn't happen if an object is created by MN.create or CN.create
I set up the replication between my local host and mn-demo.
In a test case, if an object is created by Metacat API...
Jing Tao


05:09 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
The system metadata is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ...
Jing Tao
05:08 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
An example of nonamespaceschema xml document.
The uri can be:
Jing Tao


04:10 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
In case somebody can't read the google doc. Here is the content:... Jing Tao
02:53 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
The workflow we will use:
Jing Tao
12:35 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
All dents are missing in above comment. I have to upload the file. Jing Tao
12:31 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Current workflow:
formatId = systemMetadata.getObjectFormatId(); // from Metacat API, this is null.
dtdText = ht...
Jing Tao
09:01 AM Feature #7096: Disable the feature of downloading external schemas for unregistered namespaces
Wow, that's quite a shift in behavior. I guess I missed the meeting when this was discussed, but sounds like there wa... ben leinfelder


05:48 PM Bug #7094: Metacat is not expanding groups in the rightsHolder field during authorization
I wrote those docs, which do explicitly say that RightsHolder is of Type.Subject, which is defined as "An identifier ... Matt Jones
03:29 PM Bug #7094: Metacat is not expanding groups in the rightsHolder field during authorization
The docs aren't explicit about this, but I can see why you'd expect any Subject to work.
ben leinfelder


06:32 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Jing -- I think at one point (and maybe currently) there was a chunk of code that used the name of the root element o... Jing Tao
02:23 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Jing, for documents coming in from the DataONE API, Metacat should have access to the formatId from the system metada... Matt Jones
02:17 PM Feature #7098: Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Since there is no target namespaces in the schema, in order to identify the schema, we have to use the object format ... Jing Tao
01:57 PM Feature #7098 (Resolved): Add the feature to support the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in xml objects
Currently, Metacat caches the schemas with the combination keys of namespaces plus format ids. It set the property o... Jing Tao
06:31 PM Bug #7091: Metacat installation (the war file) doesn't include the FGDC schemas even though the loaddtdschema file creates an entry in the xml_catalog table for it
I changed the title of this bug. It is different to the case we tried to figure out the xml schema location. The corr... Jing Tao
05:54 PM Bug #7091: Metacat installation (the war file) doesn't include the FGDC schemas even though the loaddtdschema file creates an entry in the xml_catalog table for it
Jing -- I think at one point (and maybe currently) there was a chunk of code that used the name of the root element o... Matt Jones
04:34 PM Bug #7091: Metacat installation (the war file) doesn't include the FGDC schemas even though the loaddtdschema file creates an entry in the xml_catalog table for it
Let's go back to the original issue. We have a record on xml_catalog table:
catalog_id | entry_type | source_doctyp...
Jing Tao
03:34 PM Feature #7099: Create a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemas
This is good idea - we can avoid to create two copies of registered schemas in the registry process and the scenario ... Jing Tao
03:16 PM Feature #7099: Create a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemas
I think this is a good idea, but I think we should go the other way -- have the copy in wepapps/metacat/schema be the... Matt Jones
02:34 PM Feature #7099: Create a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemas
The schema locations is /tomcat-home/webapps/metacat/schema (in order to be accessible by the http), so the new insta... Jing Tao
02:27 PM Feature #7099 (New): Create a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemas
Currently we add new schemas base on Metacat release sand occasionally add it by sql commands.
We will disable Meta...
Jing Tao
01:48 PM Feature #7097 (Resolved): Provide clear messages to clients if the namespaces/formatids of the schemas of xml objects are not registered in Metacat
I believe currently the message for schema not found depends on the sax parser exception. It is not clear, we need im... Jing Tao
01:41 PM Feature #7096 (Resolved): Disable the feature of downloading external schemas for unregistered namespaces
Currently, Metacat will download the schemas during the metadata object inserting if it finds the namespaces is not ... Jing Tao

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