From 09/26/2016 to 10/25/2016
- 04:34 PM Revision 10029 (metacat): Add more checks to avoid a null exception.
- 01:36 PM Revision 10027 (metacat): Add more debug statement for deleting.
- 04:11 PM Story #7142 (Closed): Upgrade Solr to 3.6 to fix searching issue
- We upgrade Solr to 3.6.2 which is the balance between having the bug fix and newest compatible version ( involving mi...
- 04:08 PM Story #7148 (New): Upgrade Solr Server
- Currently, the solr server version on Metacat is 3.6.2. But the newest version is 6.*. We need to upgrade it in the n...
- 03:45 PM Bug #7144 (Resolved): MN certificate can't modify the system metadata of an object which's authoritative member node is this mn
- It was fixed on Metacat 2.6.0. Since the Metacat version is 2.5.1, we can see the issue.
I added a test method to m... - 03:35 PM Revision 10023 (metacat): Add a test method to test different users if they can update system metadata.
- 03:29 PM Revision 10021 (metacat): Add some information about pid on the log statement.
- 12:04 PM Bug #7144 (Resolved): MN certificate can't modify the system metadata of an object which's authoritative member node is this mn
- Details see this ticket
- 11:29 AM Revision 10019 (metacat): Use an eml tag to download the xsl file.
- 01:30 PM Revision 10012 (metacat): Change the solr core to 3.6.2
- 01:29 PM Revision 10011 (metacat): Change the solr-core to 3.6.2.
- 11:54 AM Revision 10010 (metacat): Change the ldapweb.cgi script to use an additional property called which provides a contat email (particularly when email.sender is set to noreply@...). Update the skin configurations with this property, as well as the default.
- 04:42 PM Story #7142 (Closed): Upgrade Solr to 3.6 to fix searching issue
- It looks like Solr has trouble with using wildcards and case insensitive searching for fields - so when we search for...
- 02:16 PM Bug #7141 (Closed): Modify Metacat code according to the change of dataone library migrating from JibX to JAXB
- The change was done. The main change in the Metacat is the exception handling.
- 02:16 PM Bug #7141 (Closed): Modify Metacat code according to the change of dataone library migrating from JibX to JAXB
- We need to change the code to make Metacat compile.
- 02:13 PM Bug #7094 (Closed): Metacat is not expanding groups in the rightsHolder field during authorization
- Metacat now expands the rights holder if it is a group during the authorization check.
- 02:12 PM Task #7095 (Closed): Improve error message for: User tried to update an access module when they dont have ‘ALL’ permission!"
- Add more debug statement for the message.
- 01:13 PM Revision 10009 (metacat): Add a comment.
- 12:56 PM Revision 10008 (metacat): Removing xml_access table records now is in the removing the pid from hazelcast. So remove the dupicated code.
- 05:33 PM Revision 10007 (metacat): Check if the object and sysmeta are null before to get the inputstream object.
- 04:53 PM Revision 10006 (metacat): Clear the code for the method handleInsertOrUpdate.
- 02:51 PM Revision 10005 (metacat): The deleteSystemmetadata method will delete the records on xml_access as well.
- 05:21 PM Revision 10004 (metacat): Restore the testRightsHolderExpand method on the D1NodeServiceTest.
- 05:20 PM Revision 10003 (metacat): The D1NodeServiceTest will be included in the test, but any of internal classess will be excluded.
- 03:26 PM Revision 10002 (metacat): Move the method testing to expand rights holder to CnodeServiceTest.
- 02:08 PM Revision 10001 (metacat): Add the identifier information in the exception when users try to change the access section but they don't have all permission.
- 12:38 PM Revision 10000 (metacat): Add the guid information in the sax exception when users try to update the access part but they don't have all permission.
- 05:44 PM Revision 9998 (metacat): Add the junit test code to test the method expanding the rights holder as a group.
- 05:42 PM Revision 9997 (metacat): Add the code to expand the rights holder if it is a group.
- 01:36 PM Revision 9996 (metacat): Add the update script for db 2.7.2
- 01:36 PM Revision 9995 (metacat): Since ecogrid is checked out in the build directory, we don't need a condition for checking out.
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