From 09/22/2017 to 10/21/2017
- 03:36 PM Bug #7221 (Resolved): Remove the duplicated the log4j file in Metacat
- Currently we have to copies of log4j files in Metacat. It causes the problem in tomcat 8 in linux. We need to remove ...
- 03:31 PM Bug #7220 (Resolved): ORCID links in View Service output don't open in a new tab
- 03:30 PM Bug #7220: ORCID links in View Service output don't open in a new tab
- I fixed this in 10432
- 03:22 PM Bug #7220 (Resolved): ORCID links in View Service output don't open in a new tab
- Generally, external links on the View Service page open in a new tab, utilizing the HTML5 target attribute. I just no...
- 12:40 PM Bug #7219 (In Progress): reCAPTCHA v1 will be turned off on March 31, 2018
- I got an email from google:
Dear Webmaster,
You are receiving this email because you are registered as a website ...
- 12:09 PM Task #7177: Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8
- I ran the junit test against tomcat and there is no failure.
However, we need to run the integration replication ... - 11:09 AM Task #7218 (Closed): Merge revision 10194 into the next release branch
- Talked with Bryce and close the ticket since the merge already was done in Metacat 2.8.5 release.
- 10:22 PM Task #7218: Merge revision 10194 into the next release branch
- Hi Bryce:
I looked at the version 10194.
valley:metacat tao$ svn log -v -r 10194
---------------------------------... - 09:12 PM Task #7218: Merge revision 10194 into the next release branch
- I will do this, bryce.
- 05:36 PM Task #7218 (Closed): Merge revision 10194 into the next release branch
- I could just Slack this but I thought I'd do an Issue since it's after-hours and I didn't want to send an email. I ma...
- 11:06 AM Bug #7211: Metacat sets a wrong default value for the deploy path during the totally fresh installation
- The fix has been committed to both 2.8 branch and trunk.
- 11:05 AM Bug #7211 (Closed): Metacat sets a wrong default value for the deploy path during the totally fresh installation
- The issue turns out to be Tomcat 8 has change the format of current path.
In Tomcat 7, it was /opt/local/share/java... - 11:05 AM Bug #7214 (Closed): Metacat overwrites the deployDir property
- The issue turns out to be Tomcat 8 has change the format of current path.
In Tomcat 7, it was /opt/local/share/java... - 10:23 AM Story #6437: Upgrade to SOLR 4 or 5
- The main reason for updating to at least Solr 4.1 is for pivot queries. Also, Solr 5.3 is needed for the update to th...
- 09:49 AM Task #7177: Ensure Metacat runs on Tomcat 8
- Just tried Metacat 2.8.5 on tomcat 8.0. It works fine.
- 11:42 AM Bug #7217 (New): Report on metadata creation date in metadata quality summaries
- Indexing fields for metadata quality reports do not include the upload date of the metadata they are reporting on. Th...
- 10:30 AM Bug #7216 (New): MDQClient.saveRun doesn't obsolete existing quality documents
- MDQClient.saveRun is called to upload a newly created quality document, in response to a metadata quality document be...
- 12:03 PM Bug #7210: View service duplicates EML Text content
- Discussed with Lauren Walker and she caught a few good improvements. I've made those.
- 04:40 PM Bug #7210: View service duplicates EML Text content
- Okay I've taken a look through those (thanks again) and they were helpful. I found two minor bugs and have fixed them...
- 01:09 PM Bug #7210: View service duplicates EML Text content
- Thanks, Chris! I'm taking a run through those now.
- 09:50 AM Bug #7210: View service duplicates EML Text content
- Okay Bryce - here's the list of pids that have @textType@ content on the KNB. You might want to ignore the ones that...
- 12:27 PM Bug #7215 (New): Metacat produces an invalid ZIP archive when a package member has an invalid formatID
- I submitted a new Data Package and went to download it via the Download All button In MetacatUI which triggers the /p...
- 07:58 PM Bug #7214: Metacat overwrites the deployDir property
- This one duplicate issue 7211.
- 05:51 PM Bug #7214 (Closed): Metacat overwrites the deployDir property
- On a fresh installation of Metacat, the @application.deployDir@ property value gets overwritten. This is undesirable...
- 05:43 PM Bug #7213 (New): Document the EZID landing page template property
- Mike Frenock pointed out some issues with the @guid.ezid.uritemplate.metadata@ property. We need to add this to the ...
- 03:12 PM Bug #7211: Metacat sets a wrong default value for the deploy path during the totally fresh installation
- I can't reproduce the bug. In mn-demo-5, I removed/backed up /var/metacat directory. So during the configuration, I w...
- 11:59 AM Bug #7212 (New): metacat-index missing metadata quality fields
- The Spring context file ./metacat-index/src/main/resources/application-context-mdq.xml doesn't contain a bean definit...
- 09:01 AM Bug #7211 (Closed): Metacat sets a wrong default value for the deploy path during the totally fresh installation
- Matt reported: I’ve noticed that when run from scratch, the metacat /admin utility seems to tack the /webapps/metacat...
- 05:57 PM Bug #7210: View service duplicates EML Text content
- So I found the cause which was just some bizarre XSLT that just doesn't make much sense. So I re-wrote the whole XSLT...
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