Updating Sphinx doc structure in prep for moving metacat admin guide to Sphinx.
change to 2.0.0 releasehttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5515
remove reference to tomcat5.5 in favor of tomcat6. including the "custom" start up script that used the sun jdk -- this can be configured rather than coded into the script.
Change the version from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5.
Added NCEAS logo to header.
Begin process of migrating Admin guide to Sphinx. Structure is now set up, butcontent needs to be copied.
Removed module index from docs because we don't have multiple modules yet.
Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.
use 1.9.4 version
Added download links.
Additional layout and styles for metacat documentation.
UPdated documentation for the web.
Add 'metacat/lib/oaipmh' directory to the list of required jar files in the 'Set up Metacat Dependencies' section.
Move all user images into the dev image directory. Remove all but the MetacatAdministratorsGuide from the user dir.
Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
Fixed typos in metacat documentation.
Removed version as not sure when this will be delivered, so be agnostic.
Adding new documentation section for Metacat design documents in Sphinx/ReStructured Text format. Build this documentation using theprovided Makefile, assuming that both Sphinx and PlantUML are installed and on the local executable path by running 'make plantuml html'....
use workflowscheduler DB
Start to flesh out the eclipse metacat setup document
Create some basic workflow scheduler system installation documents
Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem: * Add documentation files to the 'docs/dev/oaipmh' directory. * Delete two obsolete files. * Modify class description comment in MetacatRecordFactory.java
Begin development for Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
Add load test documentation
Fix registryService file locations.
Added jing's suggested changes
Add documentation for query caching and indexing mechanisms.
Fix formatting for ecogrid testing section
Add instructions for how to test the web registry, web ldap, and ecogrid registry service.
Add documentation for serviced based architecture and utilties classes.
Add a section for skins testing
change metacatconfigure.html to metacat-configure.html
Add a section on testing against different db schema versions
Add information on CVS anonymous account
Update with windows install documentation
Update installation docs for war install
Added instructions for building Metacat on a local development environment.
updated links in document list
renamed to testing-metacat.html
Added new development documentation files.
Fix typo
Documentation on how to run JUnit test against metacat
Index page for development documentation.
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
New version of KNB architecture diagram, in OmniGraffle and PNG formats, with subset diagrams for morpho, metacat and web in png formats.
Iniital addition - doc describing ANT token replacement
New flow chart file for metacat 1.8.0
Flow chat of query process
Add docs for setup other client such as ldapsearch.
Add a documentation for setting up ldap tls channel.
Added presentation slides on Identifiers for DevLunch. The issues outlined here are relevant to implementation of LSIDs etc in Metacat.
Code design document of the login process, as done in the KNB skin.
Add new box for inserting new resultset into xml_queryresult table.
Add a new box for inserting new resultset into xml_queryresult table.
Add new box for executing getAttributeReturnValue.
Add new query box for executing getAttributeReturnValue.
A png version of query flow chart/
flow chart of metacat query.
Initial design document for the SEON data set uploading to metacat.
Initial thoughts about modifying the metacat data model and programs tosupport full LSID identifiers in the data model.
Add new command to create no-password key.
Updated the diagram with terminology that is consistent with the current harvester design.
Add a note that you should put full name as state name to generate a key. Otherwise, the trustkey will be not recongized.
Add a example how to setup key.
Comments and notes on registry by Rick Reeves and Andrea Chadden. I have annotated it with bug #s and comments.
deleted versions 22 and r2a to avoid confusion and duplication.
Revisions to Harvester Class Diagram and Harvester Class Descriptions.
Resubmitted as binary. Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Harvester Class Diagram
Remove corrupted version
Revisions to the Harvester ERD diagram showing how I think the design canbe simplified to eliminate duplicate information. Needs further workbefore it is implementable.
Harvester Class Diagram, class descriptions, sequence of operations.
Relocated to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
Relocate to metacat/docs/dev/harvester
This is the metacat database schema with the additions for harvester.
Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. This is a preliminary look at some "value added" or quality control componenets. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in jpeg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
Harvester UML activity diagram in svg format. Created initially in Oracle's JDeveloper
A note for set up replication between tomcat.
cleared the text under the figure; should go in the Word text
EPS files saved as AdobeIllustrator v7.0
EPS file for the IC paper