


# Date Author Comment
7300 07/10/2012 04:26 PM ben leinfelder

prep for 2.0.2 release by updating the version numbers.

7276 06/18/2012 02:27 PM ben leinfelder

update for 2.0.1 upgrade -- scripts, docs, readme

6871 01/10/2012 01:00 AM Matt Jones

Moving Metacat Sphinx RST documentation from docs/dev to docs/user directory.

6831 01/03/2012 03:57 PM Matt Jones

Updating Sphinx doc structure in prep for moving metacat admin guide to Sphinx.

6588 11/02/2011 09:20 AM ben leinfelder

change to 2.0.0 release

6546 10/27/2011 08:49 AM Jing Tao

Change the version from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5.

6137 06/14/2011 12:03 AM Matt Jones

Removed module index from docs because we don't have multiple modules yet.

6103 05/25/2011 03:54 PM ben leinfelder

use 1.9.4 version

5908 02/03/2011 04:54 PM Matt Jones

Additional layout and styles for metacat documentation.

5266 03/08/2010 07:31 PM Matt Jones

Adding new documentation section for Metacat design documents in Sphinx/ReStructured Text format. Build this documentation using the
provided Makefile, assuming that both Sphinx and PlantUML are installed and on the local executable path by running 'make plantuml html'....