Add a page for configuring the ezid.
Changed some of the font and stlyes of the metacat docs for easier reading and fixed a big where the metacat admin "configure" buttons were not working
add note about restarting Tomcat when using Metacat indexing.
FontAwesome and Bootstrap are imported locally rather than via CDN. Updated the docs screenshots to the new style.
Made some CSS changes to the "Go" button in the docs because it was off by a few pixels in three different browsers. Also changed the admin config landing page links to look like buttons
Matched the admin config pages to the default metacatUI theme. Changed the background image of the docs and config pages to a big cat for some metacat branding.
Redesigned the /admin configuration pages to better match our new MetacatUI design. Looks good in both /context/admin view and the #external view using metacatUI
replication control panel now fully implemented as an admin configuration screen
DataONE MN registration/configuration is now its own configuration page in the admin interface.
remove reference to tomcat5.5 in favor of tomcat6. including the "custom" start up script that used the sun jdk -- this can be configured rather than coded into the script.
Change location of PropertyService to properties directory
Change MetaCatVersion to MetacatVersion
Create database and shared directories for database management code and shared code respectively.
Use context url instead of server IP. Server IP breaks if the server does not have an externally facing IP (behind a proxy server)
Update tomcat location to /etc/init.d version used in user installation instructions
change generic authentication properties from ldap.* to auth.*
moved footer section outside of if statement so it always shows up.
Added header and footer sections that allow admin to log in as different user and to see user documentation.
Change geoserver configure message to be reconfigure when geoserver is in bypass mode
Add geoserver section. Remove organization section for now. Allow user to go directly to metacat after first configuration.
Change the metacat section to read Metacat Global Properties
Add support for separate LDAP and organization level configurations
Clean up formatting on configuration pages
Merge 1.9 changes into Head