


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
2760 11/17/2005 03:21 PM Duane Costa

Bug #2207. Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Improvements to Advanced Search form:
(1) Delete keywordSearch() function. Not used in advanced search form.
(2) Re-initialize hidden form values for geographic boundaries.
(3) Change table width to 100% so horizontal rules will span the full width....

2747 11/16/2005 10:37 AM Duane Costa

Bug #2207. Enable hyperlink to the Advanced Search form.

2746 11/16/2005 10:35 AM Duane Costa

Bug #2207. New JSPs added to the default skin to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.

2745 11/16/2005 10:34 AM Duane Costa

Bug #2207. Add new CSS class to set the correct iframe sizes for the Advanced Search box.

2744 11/16/2005 10:32 AM Duane Costa

Bug #2207. Add two new JavaScript variables to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.

2439 04/01/2005 11:37 AM sgarg

Changes made to the css files by Veronique (tablehead class).

(Committed done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)

2433 03/29/2005 12:09 PM sgarg

Modified text, style and formating for the skins.

(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)

2370 01/13/2005 04:59 PM sgarg

Fixed as suggested in bug 1768

2233 07/26/2004 05:45 PM sgarg

Changed path for eml.xsd stylesheet.

2227 07/22/2004 03:55 PM sgarg

Added eml2.0.1 specific code in /style file

2219 07/19/2004 03:33 PM sgarg

Added code to add and remove cookie from the index.jsp when a person logs in or logs out.

1931 11/21/2003 03:54 PM brooke

added search gif used in default homepage

1929 11/21/2003 03:05 PM brooke

This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.
The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other files
that have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-added
elsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....