add stylesheet for rendering simple stats for access log
allow default style to be used for the registry (added login mapping)
use newer SBC-ish style for the default skin
Change location of PropertyService to properties directory
Use only one eml common stylesheet directory for all post 2.0.0 beta versions of eml. Point all eml versions to that directory in skin xml files.
Removed the () from the javascript length functions in the submitRequest function.
Redicts to the page index.jsp.
add support for displaying eml 2.1 documents.see:
Fix workgroup description
remove skin.configs directory.migrate those properties to the style/skins/* properties filesdo not load them during Metacat init.
Bring the <skin>.properties file into sync with the old <skin>.cfg data. Modify metadata files so appropriate configuration information is shown for each skin.
Set default skin property values
Fully qualify spatial and replication properties
Get organization list from new OrganizationUtil class
Add skins properties files to default skin
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
Check into cvs head. Add "cfg=default" into the link to create/reset/forget password ldap account.
Added missing "/" from ascii-treeview.xsl path so documents can be viewed in treeview. (Ticket 3176)
Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project
use cgi-prefix from build properties to configure the default skin for login.removed hardcoded "" reference in the jsp and reads it from the file.
Note: still uses ant token from the file, but at least centralizes the spot where the token needs to be dealt with.
use the servlet context path to construct absolute paths to the various file locations
add portnumber if not using 80
Change the relative path to use a function getServerName+getPortNumber+getContextPath. But there is still problem in default.js.
Turnkey installer modification: replaced ant tokens with use of "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest".
Turnkey installer modification: replaced ant tokens with relative paths.
Modified default.css to handle new result table HTML, should now correctly subdivide the results
style changes for Attribute info display, set width for first column that uses added highlightAttrib and empty column; changed shading in bordered, coleven and coloddchanged .bordered width to 350px for first column, added border-bottom to columns; innercolodd, innercoleven border removed...
fixed the bug that clicking create new user link(and change password and reset password links) will just show the new page in a frame.
minor formatting changes
removed panel head corners because they did not display correctly in I.E. on the Metacat build , adjusted option buttons.
I changed blue corners because of display problem with Internet Explorer on Metacat Build files.
Changed blue header corners because they did not work correctly on Internet Explorer. The production server displays okay but theMetacat build does not display correctly so I took the round corners off. Maybe there is some problem with the difference between tablehead corners in default.css
changed header style to accommodate the wide table display. Made the text for the tilte align=left and the table witdh="100%" for the Data Catalog Search part.
change searchbox height to match new size with search options. Spacing is: 33 pixels search to map, 28 pixels map to login.
Fixed bug the keyword search didn't use the path search
Add radio buttons of searching some path or all path for default search page
Fix bug in the Advanced Search form reported by Dave Balsiger at NTL. The bug occured only in one of the following two special cases:
(a) The user modifies longitude but leaves latitude at default values;(b) The user modifies latitude but leaves longitude at default values....
Changes to map layout and skins according to input from Callie and Matt
Initial import of interactive map components for the following skins: esa, knb2, knp, obfs, nceas, nrs
initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option
changed the set of stylesheets which will be used for displaying eml-2.0.0 documents
Omit the html, head, title, and body tags from the advanced search results jsp. These tags are generated in the resultset.xml stylesheet, so they are redundant here.
Modify value of the applet tag's CODEBASE value. It was previously hard-coded to the LNO server. Download the applet from the local Metacat server instead.
Add a client-side check: if user does not enter any search values, prompt the user with a dialog box to confirm that the user wishes to go ahead with a search for all documents. This is equivalent to the behavior in the simple search box.
Added a hidden input field for siteValue with a value of "ALLSITES". This is a substitute for the siteValue drop-down list that is used at LTER whose default value is also "ALLSITES". Either the hidden input field or the drop-down list should be commented-out, but not both. (This is documented in the internal comments.)
Bug #2207. Metacat Advanced Search interface.Improvements to Advanced Search form:(1) Delete keywordSearch() function. Not used in advanced search form.(2) Re-initialize hidden form values for geographic boundaries.(3) Change table width to 100% so horizontal rules will span the full width....
Bug #2207. Enable hyperlink to the Advanced Search form.
Bug #2207. New JSPs added to the default skin to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Bug #2207. Add new CSS class to set the correct iframe sizes for the Advanced Search box.
Bug #2207. Add two new JavaScript variables to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Changes made to the css files by Veronique (tablehead class).
(Committed done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Fixed as suggested in bug 1768
Changed path for eml.xsd stylesheet.
Added eml2.0.1 specific code in /style file
Added code to add and remove cookie from the index.jsp when a person logs in or logs out.
added search gif used in default homepage
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....