More bug tweaks to eml-text.xsl
- Fix use of non-existent HTML5 tag 'emphasis' and use 'em' instead as intended- Add target=_default to links
Merge changes from 2.8 branch - added a display of "Role" to the eml-party.xsl stylesheet for Associated Parties
Relax the EML text XSLs rendering of ulinks
This makes all content inside a ulink show up inside the <a> tag inthe output. Before this change, if CDATA was present inside a ulinkelement, it would be ignored because the XSL was only extracting thecitetitle's CDATA
Overhaul EML Text XSLT to support everything in the entire module
Fix a bug in the eml party xslt
Change the mime type back to application/xml.
Change the mime type.
Move Additional Info in the EML stylesheet to after the keyword sets
Show the additionalInfo under Data Usage Rights to reflect the additional info collected in the Registry
Add support for alternateIdentifier system in EML stylesheet
Fix a bug in the conditional for the EML XSLT for alternateIdentifiers
Remove extra <table> HTML element that was causing rendering issues with the enumerated domain template
Fix a typo that was preventing dateTime attributes from rendering fully
If EML physical/size/@unit isn't specified, assume its bytes
Previously, if the unit attribute wasn't set on an EML physical sizeelement, the size showed up as just the number with no units. The EMLspec says that, if unit is omitted, bytes is the assumed unit.
Improve the EML XSLT's handling of ORCIDs as userIds
Add support in the EML XSLT for making ORCID userIds into links
use "PLACEHOLDER" for annotation target rather than the actual attribute name value (for manual annotations added from spreadsheet).
Show the annotation target under the attribute name
Give the EML title HTML container a distinct class to hide it in MetacatUI (rather than using jQuery to hide it in MetacatUI. This is faster.)
Merge minor registry changes from the 2.6 branch back to the trunk.
Layout the study area descriptors a bit better in a table as opposed to a div. This also accommodates the name_or_id attribute (as the Code column), whereas the div didn't handle it. Needs som work on the citation column.
Add project-level rendering into the eml-dataset XSLT. Convert the older table-based layout to use the Bootstrap 2.x classes for labels and divs.
comment out (duplicate) EML download link since it does not apply in the CN context and the same functionality exists elsewhere in the MetacatUI rendering.
comment out the party annotation-target - don't think we'll be using this anytime soon (had been for annotating with orcids)
rollback to use entity/attribute id for the tab-pane (so it will work) and include new div id for the annotatable attribute section.
restructure attribute and party sections so that the annotatable div does not have DOM children.
Update the packageId attribute in EML documents on update. Never display the local docid in the rendered EML.
Move the dataset metadata label for metacatui EML
Mark the entity metadata sections in metacatui EML transformations
Add classes and attributes to the object name and online distribution link elements in the MetacatUI theme.
Display text nodes in EML when the value is directly in the text node or in a <section> tag or in a <para> tag (in metacatui skin)
include type="party" attribute for the divs that contain contact information (for annotating with ORCIDs)
In the EML XSLT - Add classes to the entity details containers so they can be identified easily
include resource="#xpointer(...)" attributes for sections that are potential targets for annotation. So far we have the various people (creator, contact, etc) and data table attributes.
download arrow on right side
remove "Package" from the default button, only use it when we have an ORE map id.
give the div that holds the download package button an id attribute so that we can dynamically change the content in there if/when we know the ORE map id instead of the EML id.
do not use #none for the accordian control in method section
when 'printall' we should show the attribute coverage and method information, not a link to it
when 'printall' we should show the enumeratedDomain of a measurement.
use 'printall' option for the EML display - metacatui will scroll and navigate through all the metadata and has tabified the entity/attribute info.
use glyph download icon, not a /knb/style/images path to an image (ugh!)
handle <references> element in <creator> for the citation.
use #view/{pid} pattern for the citation link, and then /object/{pid} for the XML download -- so no old Metacat API calls show in the rendered EML.
include $pid parameter and views/package endpoints instead of metacat API urls. Note that some links still exist for rendering portions of the EML (additionalMetadata and attribute details).
use <p> for thesaurus above the table of keywords
use "controls" class on Web Address
render keywords + thesaurus in a table structure
use <strong> for title rendering.
remove more ":" after labels
remove all table/tr/ cruft that is not used in main layout.
reformat attribute enumerated domain.
use "UTF-8" instead of encoding="iso-8859-1"
use "controls" class for common name element value
do not use ":" after labels.
remove all table/tr/td use
clean up detail tables for measurement type/scale/codes sections
render attributeList with side-bar navigation tabs for each attribute.
group the physical and distribution details together.
save point before tackling attribute list and other re-org in entity view
reformat physical/distribution/format sections of the entity display.
reformat access control section (even though this will be replaced with SystemMetadata information).
reformat usage rights
remove all tr/td elements in favor of divs
save point with Methods/protocol restyling - still some nested rendering to handle, but mostly accordianized.
style all coverage fields w/o tables.
comment out the general coverage/context header (will be anchor eventually)
eliminate all table, tr, and td tags in favor of <div>s or <label>s
style all other people entries.
style Creators.
save point: use "fake" input areas (wells) for the value in name/value pairs.
save point: reformat the General section
style citation in a "well".
starting point for new KNB EML stylesheets (no tables--fluid divs...). copied the existing EML XSLs, will go from there.