Revised attribute list.
Revise the modules to make it looking nicer.
Remove the file.
Remove this file.`
Remove this file.
Revise some templates and in build file, when we compile, it would include harvest.
Set second col style to a value.
Fixed some bugs.
Change some setting.
Change select from "title" to "dataset/title".
Make table cellspacing=0 and fixed some bugs.
Revise templates.
New style sheet to handle additional metadata.
Revise the tempaltes.
Revise some tempaltes.
Revise some templates.
Revise the templates.
Add a variable.
Fixed bugs.
Add new templates.
Revised some bugs.
Revised some templates.
Revised the modules.
New module to handle view entity.
New module to handle storedprocedure entity.
New module to handle spatialvector entity.
New module to handle otherEntity.
Add new module to handle spatial raster entity.
Add new module for eml2.
Add reference handler for datset.
Change the setting for sytlepath.
Adding new format.
Revised the module.
Finished the module.
Revised the templates.
Revise some code.
Add some new tempaltes.
Revise the entity module.
Add new module to handle data table.
Revised some templates
Revise some templats.
Changed the url content.
Add templates in this module.
Fixed a bug for variable.
Add some variables.
Add new variables.
Revise the project module from beta6
Add a template to handle project part.
Revise variables.
Change the import module
Change the import modules.
Add some templates in it.
Fixed some bug.
Change the even column color.
Add some import file.
Add code to handle eml document
Add some new format.
changed .highlight style so font-size attribute is 1em instead of -1. Original -1 setting was not NN4 compatible
New stylesheet that is specific to the KNB website.
fixed my tagging error
some small changes I had to make to get the QAENGINE demo to work right. this should be committing in a branch
Adding the style sheet of html file in zip data package for morpho to metacat.So the html summary file can have the same style in morpho and metacat zip package.
Added qformat parameter for switching css stylesheets.
Fixed bug in login.xsl that was preventing a successful xslt transform. Nowsuccessful logins redirect correctly, unsuccessful ones redirect to thelogin page again.
Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-attribute and eml-entity modules.
Changed the link urls in the eml-dataset display stylesheet to use thedefault style-set as set in the build file rather than hard-coding thevalue 'html'. This allows more flexibility in switching styles, for examplewhen setting up the marine, nrs, and obfs sites.
updated all of the returndoctypes so that emlbeta4 and emlbeta6 will show up in the resultset.
fixed a couple bugs with doctypes that I found while setting up a demo
Updated documentation to reflect new installprocess.
Modified build.xml to properly copy the docs into the distribution, whichrequired some changes in the ant token filtering scheme.
added new docid to returndoc for web form
New version of the IE5 stylesheet that is XSLT 1.0 compliant.
CHanged style-set handling for case when a stylesheet for a specificdoctype has not been registered. Now we are using a simple "ascii tree" view of the XML document. I'm hoping we can get a nicer generic displayset up over the long run, but for now this handles the basics.
default css stylesheet so that metacat will look right
Minor bug fixes following change in style handling. Fixed image locations,cleaned up main resultset stylesheet.
More fully completed the eml-dataset XSLT stylesheet for translatinginto HTML format. Now more of the relevant fields are completed, andthe coverages are shown. Still need to systematically address everyfield that could be present, but I hit the major ones.
Modified metacat stylesheets to now use a "style-path" filter for settingthe path to XSL and CSS style sheets. this allows the stylelocation to be configured independently of the main web url for metacatlinks.
Updated stylesheet to reflect the new eml2 schema.
Fixed returndoctype param.
Updated stylesheet to use new package returndoc type for searches(eml-dataset-2.0).
specified the correct param list about the "read" action changes
chaged the hidden input box from "relation" to "docid"
stylesheet for download files
Modified the license and copyright terms for many of the files. Addeda LICENSE file and a README file in preparation of a distribution.
added build paths instead of hard coded paths
added knb to resultsetspages
Modified stylesheets and server code to use a single "read" action insteadof the earlier "getdocument" and "getrelateddocument" actions. In theprocess, developed and started to utilize a new suite of URL "protocolhandlers" that are in the package "edu.ucsb.nceas.protocols" and handle...
Add the eml style sheet into metacat module.
XSLT transformation on "login" and "logout" action