calculate geohash_3 to three places (typo)
use NSEW for the bounding box geohash calculation from EML - all versions
Add beans to support geohashes
handle null Boolean in SM.archived field
augment annotation indexing test/sample to include orcid annotation.
include characteristic_sm field with SPARQL query
switch to index standard since it is more likely we will be able to determine this from our existing EML attribute information.
switch to the OpenAnnotation (OA) model for annotating datapackages with measurements/characteristics (semtools)
use rangeOfDates | singleDateTime to populate the beginDate and endDate index fields.
include ID field as a minimum for indexing additional fields.
correctly include stacktrace for error debugging.
return null if there is no existing SolrDoc for the given pid.
index singleDateTime value into both begin and end date fields in solr.
check for existing index document before trying to use existing fields.
allow indexing of RDF documents - provide a sparql query that will return values for the field name. Using measurement_sm initially (a dynamic multivalued solr field).
check for existing documents - don't assume it exists.
Unify solr indexing with an IndexTask that is added to the queue -- allows us to send more than just the systemMetadata to the indexer. Initially this is for READ event counts for each document.
Rename the IndexGenerator to IndexGeneratorTimerTask.
Fixed a bug that when a data file was archived, the solr index for the metadata object still kept the "documents" element.
made the delete method synchronized.
If an object was archived, the solr index will be removed for it.
Use the setting from the metacat-common component.
Use the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0 version.
Remove those files. They will be get from the d1_cn_index_processor 1.2.0 jar.
combine the index code for failed ids and other ids.
Clean up the code.
The IndexGenerator will index the obsoleted data objects as well.
Remove the obsoletes chain from the update method in the SolrIndex class.
When an object is archvied, the solr index will not be removed.
merge from 2.2 branch: remove the index queue item when it is being processed.
Add a patch for d1_cn_index_processor 1.1.2 version. So it can index taxon information. Those files will overwrite the ones in the d1_cn_index_process-1.1.2.jar.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default.
remove any index event errors if the pid has successfully been reindexed.
Change the parameters order of the constructor. We maybe reuse some code from d1_cn_processor.
Remove the solr-home to the metacat-common.
Remove the file and it will got from the D1.
Modified the documentation.
Use the ResourceMapException when a component of a resource map isn't found in the solr index.
Add a ResourceMapException.
Use the class path configuration of spring to replace the file configuration. We can reuse the application context files in the d1_cn_index_processor jar.
Remove the application context files (except the resource map one). It will use the ones in the d1_cn_index_processor.
Add a constructor.
Remove the constructor.
Remove a logFile method.
use the v1.1.x branch ResourceMap class for metacat-index
The exceptions will be caught during the looping of deleting the solr index.
Remove the code to write some debug information into a temporary file.
Use the ResourceMapFactory rather than the ResourceMap constructor to build a resource map.
Write the ids from metacat into a temporary file.
Move a file to the temp dir.
Add a method to write ids which will be indexed into a file.
Besides the getArchvied() method, the getObsoletedBy method was added to determine if the object is archvied or not.
Add code to handle deleted ids.
Use schedule method to start the index.
Add the code to write the error message to the log in the itemRemvoed method.
In determining the time arrange, the equality was removed.
Add code to handle failed ids.
Remove the EventLog write.
Add the EventLog code.
It will throw an exception if the subprocessor can't handle the document.
Check if the all components of a resource map have been processed before processing the resource map.
Fixed a bug that the event log can't save the real lastest process date.
Change the date format.Remove the replication part of log4j.
Use a new date format.
Add a log4j properties file.
Add a file to specify the log4j as the logger.
Add the code that only the ids with the correct system metadata modification time will be added to the index queue.
Add code to get and set the last process date.
move IndexEvent into metacat-common. Perparation for Metacat responding to events and writing them to a persistent store.
refactor IndexEventLog a bit to simplify type/action information. prep for serializing IndexEvent objects to Metacat.
remove serial number from indexeventlog - it is not used elsewhere in the api.
correct spelling for index.eventlog.classname property
use an independent ISet<SystemMetadata> structure to communicate objects that should be indexed by metacat-index.
consolidate SystemMetadata map retrieval in preparation for using a different structure for objects to index.
adding ability to remove event from the [error] queue.
Add code to implment set and get the last processed date.
It will make the index only for those objects which were modified after the marked time.
Add set and get the lastprocessedDate in the IndexEventLog.Remove the code to write the successful event.
Log the timed index jobs.
Add the code to log the failed events.
Add a temporary file log for debugging.
Add a serial number for the event.Add method to set events to be archived.
Add a new class variable - isArchived for class IndexEvent.
Update the documentation about those classes.
Add a event and eventlog for the index.
Use the identifier set to get the list of ids in the member node.
The returned ISet should be Identifier.
Add method to get identifier set.
Set up a Timer to run the regenerating solr index task periodically.
Add code to handle delete data package information when delete a pid in the solr index.
Add two static methods to get the SystemMetadata and data object InputStream for the specified id.
Add code to check if the is available.
If solr is not enabled, it would not be running.
Use another thread in the Servlet init method to wait hazelcast.
Put the waiting mechanism for the hazelcast at the first place.
Temporarily remove the code to disable solr engine if it isn't listed in the property file.
If the solr engine is disabled, the metacat index will do nothing.
set the dataone.hazelcast.location.clientconfig property to be the local config file. It will be used in the d1_cn_index_processor