


  • svn:eol-style: native
  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Author Date Id Revision

# Date Author Comment
788 07/05/2001 09:38 AM bojilova

fixed bug - hardcoded LDAP URL

787 07/02/2001 03:06 PM bojilova

made use of the new property for ldaps url;
it is used for secure connection to LDAP server listening on second port 636 by default with SSL sockets;
it is used from Metacat for the authetication process only;
all the rest communications with LDAP server are made on the default port 389 with plain sockets

740 05/09/2001 01:49 PM bojilova

fixed the problem with empy password authentication.
Ldap somehow allows DirContext to be created
when empty password is provided as in our case
instead of comlaining like with wrong password string.
So included a check for empty password in order to reject the login.

730 04/17/2001 09:32 AM bojilova

Changes related to running LDAP servers referred each other in one tree modeling the KNB tree.
Currently there are running LDAP server on dev that holds the KNB root and the NCEAS' s subtree.
It also refers to a subtree modeling the LTER's tree which is held by another LDAP server runnig on alpha .

728 03/22/2001 03:49 PM bojilova

fixes on getting information from LDAP services

726 03/09/2001 04:41 PM bojilova

fixes around getUsers and getGroups.
"getprincipals" action can now produce output like:

<username>uid=admin,o=NCEAS, c=US<username>

725 03/05/2001 04:25 PM bojilova

Included back getting the list of users and groups stored in auth scheme
through new action="getprincipals". No extra parameters are needed.
Any logged in users are able to get this information

723 03/02/2001 04:23 PM bojilova

included missing implementation of getUsers(), getGroups() interfaces

675 01/18/2001 03:15 PM berkley

added precise location information (class.method) to each catch statement so that errors are more easily traced.

669 01/18/2001 11:52 AM Matt Jones

Added license terms to source code files, and cleaned up some javadoc
documentation in a few places.

515 11/07/2000 08:22 PM Matt Jones

Updated the Javadoc documentation so that the current release can be provided
on the web site.

514 11/06/2000 05:21 PM Matt Jones

Fixed problem with AuthInterface, AuthLdap, and AuthMcat where the
sigantures of the methods of these classes were not in agreement, which was
causing AuthLdap to no longer compile. Changed parameter signatures so that
the 'user' parameter is used consistently in all of the methods.

504 10/26/2000 02:38 PM Matt Jones

Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter ( so that it now looks up
the distinguished name for a user before attempting to do authentication.
This is because the user's distinguished name can sometimes be based on
their uid attribute, but sometimes be based on their cn (common name)...

503 10/24/2000 01:03 PM bojilova

merge AUTH_LDAP to the main branch