


  • svn:eol-style: native
  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Author Date Id Revision

# Date Author Comment
1407 02/14/2003 04:56 PM Jing Tao

Set up an eml parser.

1396 02/11/2003 03:08 PM Jing Tao

Add code to call SchemaLocationResolver.

1390 02/05/2003 05:14 PM Jing Tao

Set mutiple external schema locations for parser.

1383 02/04/2003 03:26 PM Jing Tao

Make the paser knew namespace and schema validation.

1292 07/14/2002 12:33 PM Jing Tao

Merge cvs branch replication to cvs head.

1217 06/13/2002 11:54 AM Jing Tao

Merge DBConnection branch to head.

1081 05/12/2002 06:30 PM Jing Tao

Add a access control for MetaCatServlet to update a document which home server is not local metacat.

1072 05/10/2002 02:21 PM Jing Tao

In writeDocumentToDB method, during insert action, rev value can be assigned too. It is useful for replication.

1069 05/09/2002 05:39 PM Jing Tao

Revised the method writeDataFile, writeReplication and writeToDB

1063 05/08/2002 04:04 PM Jing Tao

Fixed some DB connection bug.

1059 05/08/2002 09:25 AM Jing Tao

Add the feature to get doc home server into method getDocumentInfo.
Add a method to return docHomeServer.

1055 05/07/2002 04:56 PM Jing Tao

Add three methods into this class. One is named getServerCode, to given a server name, it return server code in xml_replication table.
One named insertServerIntoReplicationTable, if a server is not in the server list, it will insert it.
One is named WriteReplication, this method will be used in forceReplication. It delete the replication code in it.

1039 04/30/2002 08:18 AM Jing Tao

Add a hub control in write and writeData method. If hub==super, metacat can replicate any document in its database to any server in server list. If it is not super, metacat only replicate local documents to any server in server list. If a document' home host is not itself, metacat only force replicate the document to the document's home host.

1034 04/26/2002 05:27 PM Jing Tao

In writeDataFile method, using getDataFileLockGrant(docid) replace getDataFileLockGrant(docid, serverCode). The latter will cause a problem

1029 04/25/2002 04:58 PM Jing Tao

Add a method named writeDataFile. This method will register data file into xml_documents table and save a input stream to a file.

1026 04/25/2002 11:18 AM Jing Tao

Add method getDataFileLockGrant(). This method will check if xml-document of data file can be store into database.

1021 04/23/2002 06:06 PM Jing Tao

Add a new method named unRegisterDocument. This method will delete the record in xml_document table which is for a data file

1012 04/16/2002 06:18 PM Jing Tao

Fixed the bug metacat will set server location to 1, no matter it is.

965 03/06/2002 06:30 PM Jing Tao

In order to increase data file docid, method registerDocument was revised. Now it not only insert a new data file record to xml_documents table, but also can update the data file documents. Moreover, it can archieve the old version to xml_revisions table. Two other private methods were added to handl these futures: deleteXMLDocuments and getLatestRevisionNumber.

958 03/05/2002 01:11 PM Jing Tao

Add a throwing exception in hasPermission and hasReadPermission methods.

956 03/05/2002 11:38 AM Jing Tao

A constructor for this class was added. In the new constructor, user can specify the revision number he want to update. In method writeDocumentToDB, when a update action happend, the rev number would not automatictlly to add one, but it can go to specified number. This is for bug 417.

946 02/26/2002 08:30 AM Jing Tao

A method named hasReadPermission was added. The method will check if a user has permission toread a xml document.

899 01/18/2002 10:24 AM berkley

made a ton of changes related to keeping oracle SQL code out of the main classes. fixed a bug where the timing of the index thread was off so when it went to index a document, the document was not already in xml_documents thus breaking the FK relation between xml_documents and xml_index. I think that bug might be the reason for the blank resultset screens in morpho. made the postgres implementation much more robust.

837 09/20/2001 01:14 PM bojilova

changes in replication to use https

835 09/17/2001 10:57 AM bojilova

fixed error:
writing on the replication server required the whole acc# (including the rev#)

826 09/12/2001 02:49 PM bojilova

changes to store namespace prefixes separately from the local names of nodes (elements and attributes)
in xml_nodes.nodeprefix column

821 08/15/2001 01:38 PM bojilova

added support for Namespaces.
Metacat now can store and retrieve XML documents with Namespaces.
Namespace is stored as separate record in xml_nodes table with type "NAMESPACE"
where nodename is the prefix and nodedata is the uri of the namespace.

818 08/02/2001 10:29 AM berkley

fixed error with out of cursors error because pstmts were not getting closed in DBQuery

802 07/20/2001 09:03 PM bojilova

added support for multiple group membership

801 07/20/2001 03:19 PM Matt Jones

Changed the constructors so that the nodeRecordList is automatically
retrieved by the DocumentImpl(Connection,String) constructor. this
restores its earlier behavior, but the implementation is totally
done by DocumentImpl(Connection,String,boolean).

800 07/20/2001 11:23 AM Matt Jones

Added fix to DocumentImpl that showed problems when the DocumentImpl(conn)
constructor was called. Now there is a new constructor:
DocumentImpl(Connection, String, boolean)
where the boolean value is used to determine if the nodeset should be
read a t the time the cosntructor is called. if false, then...

798 07/19/2001 01:52 AM Matt Jones

Modified Metacat to support large data file uploads. This is accomplished
by supporting a new content type for data sent to metacat:
which allows multiple files to be sent in a standard MIME format. The
MetacatServlet.handleGetOrPost() method now checks the incoming content...

790 07/06/2001 11:58 AM bojilova

added constructor in DocumentImpl for use in DBQuery.findDocuments();
this new constructor is used with getDocumentInfo() to get the doc info only;
because the other constructor builds the whole xml doc which is not needed here and time consuming;
this happens on backtracking only.

785 07/02/2001 11:24 AM bojilova

moved delete from xml_relation before delete from xml_documents
because of the parent-child relation b/w these 2 tables

779 06/12/2001 10:15 AM bojilova

changes according to bug# 234 - metacat accession # handling, done

777 06/08/2001 12:02 PM bojilova

changed all mentions of DBAdapter to the new name AbstractDatabase

771 06/04/2001 02:07 PM bojilova

excluded revisionid from the insert statement for xml_revisions.
It is identity column for SQL Server or filled by sequence for db as Oracle or Postgres

769 06/01/2001 04:14 PM bojilova

changed ... WHERE ... LIKE ? ...
to ... WHERE ... = ? ...

754 05/24/2001 11:21 AM bojilova

change the call from getDateFunction() to getDateTimeFunction()

752 05/24/2001 10:21 AM bojilova

change the call from getDateString() to getDateFunction()

747 05/23/2001 03:19 PM bojilova

- changed to use the DBAdapter uniform interface for all apperance of "sysdate"
and uniqueid generation from sequence
- reads from the dbadapter class implemented the interface
and creates an instance of that class (in static public variable named dbAdapter) for use....

742 05/16/2001 09:45 AM bojilova

fix in the return of the last revisionid on UPDATE instead of the previous one

734 05/03/2001 05:12 PM bojilova

- changes to expect revisionid to come from the client on INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE;
now the client should send accession# as:
INSERT checks if sitecode.uniqueid part does not exist in xml_documents and xml_revisions and revisionid=1...

697 02/07/2001 02:07 PM bojilova

- fixed missing replication of public_access
- new attribute catalog_id added in xml_documents and xml_revisions
as a FK to xml_catalog; catalog_id is replicated also

695 02/06/2001 01:51 PM bojilova

Included check up for <!DOCTYPE ... PUBLIC/SYSTEM ... >
in order to set the validation parser at runtime
In case of:
- no DOCTYPE declaration
- <!DOCTYPE docname>
validation is turned "off"
In case of:
- <!DOCTYPE ... PUBLIC ...>
- <!DOCTYPE ... SYSTEM ...>...

692 02/01/2001 10:56 AM bojilova

there were more mentions of DOCTITLE attr - cleared them

691 01/31/2001 10:50 AM bojilova

cleared DOCTITLE attribute in xml_documents and xml_revisions
cleared all mentions of doctitle

688 01/31/2001 10:05 AM bojilova

added new "getaccesscontrol" action for a given docid

686 01/26/2001 09:37 AM berkley

fixed white space problem in toXML that was preventing in line end tags from being popped from the stack.

680 01/19/2001 11:05 AM bojilova

included new servlet parameter "public" specifing public read access for the submitted document
the expected values are "yes" or "no"
public parameter is optional and if it is not specified, means "no"

675 01/18/2001 03:15 PM berkley

added precise location information (class.method) to each catch statement so that errors are more easily traced.

669 01/18/2001 11:52 AM Matt Jones

Added license terms to source code files, and cleaned up some javadoc
documentation in a few places.

667 01/18/2001 11:25 AM berkley

closed all preparedStatement variables

660 01/12/2001 09:55 AM bojilova

- turned on the validation in order only valid xml docs comformed to the specified dtd (if any) to be submitted in metacat
- with validation "on" white spaces are reported from ignorableWhitespace() callback, not from characters() (as with validation "off")...

645 01/08/2001 05:11 PM bojilova

- appling acl through access files only
- clearing around update/delete of access files - to delete the related records from both xml_access and xml_relation tables
- included check for user permissions for setting acl on the resources in the access file
- moved RelationHandler.deleteRelations(docid) down in RelationHandler obj just before the write of the new relations

638 01/04/2001 05:12 PM bojilova

included support for submition of access files
+ storing the acl info in xml_access table and relationship records in xml_relation table like
<aclfile, "isaclfilefor", recourceIdentifier> for every resource included in the access file

634 01/03/2001 09:41 AM berkley

updating a package file now updates the relations that are created from it. Also, if you delete a package file, it will delete the relations associated with it.

628 12/20/2000 01:25 PM berkley

added revision support to the delete function

625 12/20/2000 09:38 AM berkley

cleaned up code

622 12/19/2000 01:46 PM berkley

changed accession number schema to <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.<revisionnumber>. parses docids into parts for easy manipulation. You can now specifiy a specific revision by asking for document <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.<revisionnumber> or you can get the newest revision by asking for <sitecode>.<serialnumber> or by asking for <sitecode>.<serialnumber>.newest.

600 12/12/2000 01:36 PM bojilova

one more write() method was needed

598 12/12/2000 12:50 PM bojilova

- added new parameter dtd for upload on Metacat file system; optional; Reader
- new routines to upload dtd if provided
- systemID of metadata document is used to exctract the filename of new dtd;
- the new dtd is uploaded on Metacat file system as specified by dtdPath property;...

590 12/07/2000 03:11 PM berkley

added replication for the xml_catalog table. Right now it is only replicated when the deltaT handler is called. I will add more replication times later.

584 12/06/2000 01:26 PM berkley

added a logging system for replication. The log file location is set in

582 12/06/2000 09:59 AM berkley

made replication on insert or update us. Also made a method in AccessionNumber public so that you can tell if an accession number has already been used.e place be

580 12/05/2000 02:50 PM berkley

updated file locking mechanisms to use revisions instead of dates.

577 12/01/2000 03:27 PM berkley

added replication_on_insert handling. Changed replication from date_updated base replication to revision number replication.

575 11/30/2000 01:32 PM berkley

added revision number tracking support to xml_documents and xml_revisions. Also added an updated flag as a replacement for date based replication handling.

574 11/30/2000 11:43 AM berkley

replication on insert functionality is now working.

573 11/29/2000 03:18 PM berkley

added more replication/file locking functionality.

572 11/29/2000 09:15 AM berkley

added more locking support and support for remote update of files.

571 11/29/2000 09:07 AM berkley

added more locking functionality for replication

570 11/28/2000 05:15 PM bojilova

- methods for parsing and loading acl file
- checkup method for permission for given principal on given resource
- checkup for READ permission using AccessControlList.hasPermission()
- using AccessControlList object to parse and load an acl file into xml_access table...

569 11/28/2000 10:16 AM berkley

cleaned up code, added new static methods to MetacatReplication for handling static queries and getting URL content.

567 11/28/2000 08:27 AM berkley

created locking action in replication servlet and added semi-support to documentImpl to handle documents updatedee by replicatio

561 11/22/2000 02:55 PM berkley

added functionality to allow the replication servlet to assertain and insert user and group info into the local database. started implementation of insert replication handler (it is commented out in this commit)

559 11/22/2000 09:39 AM berkley

fixed compatibility problem by overloading the write method. Jivka's new parameter (Reader acl) is now defaulted to null if it is not explicitly declared.

555 11/21/2000 10:04 AM bojilova

new class for parsing ACL XML file and loading acl data into metacat db

552 11/17/2000 02:34 PM berkley

added support for server_location in the xml_revisions table.

549 11/16/2000 03:26 PM berkley

removed dependence on a server code in the accession number of each document. the file's resident server is now located in xml_documents.server_location.

541 11/15/2000 10:18 AM bojilova

fixed bug/typo

465 09/26/2000 03:06 PM berkley

Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed....

463 09/20/2000 02:50 PM berkley

added extra timing information to the main() driver method.

459 09/20/2000 01:15 PM bojilova

change Assession# generation to use the same db connection

457 09/15/2000 05:40 PM bojilova

changes related to decrease the time of INSERT of document.
With these changes I inserted 200KB file for 3 minutes, 50KB for 50sec.
This is mainly simplifing the DBSAXNode class and
using batching feature of Oracle JDBC driver.

451 09/13/2000 03:03 PM bojilova

fix bug in toXML() about getting output of XML document like:

447 09/13/2000 01:09 PM bojilova

fix for "Document not found" err message on "getdocument" action

441 09/12/2000 10:37 AM bojilova

added check from "read" permission on "query" and "squery" actions
for connected user or for "public" connection

429 09/01/2000 05:14 PM Matt Jones

Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents
is no longer a power function of the number of nodes in the document
(which used to be the case). Now, reading a document occurs entirely
within DocumentImpl, by making a single SQL call to get the document data,...

428 09/01/2000 01:47 PM bojilova

change the 2 executions in archiveDocRevision()
with 1 statement:
"insert into xml_revisions
select ... from xml_documents where docid = ..."

427 09/01/2000 12:04 PM bojilova

small changes on hasWritePermission()

425 08/31/2000 05:01 PM bojilova

storing user_owner and user_updated where needed
new function in DocumentImpl checking for "write" perm on UPDATE or DELETE
added delete from xml_index of the old version of docid on UPDATE

421 08/30/2000 11:19 AM bojilova

cleared static methods in AccessionNumber classes for fixing bug found
when multiple requests to the servlet at a time.

415 08/28/2000 01:28 PM Matt Jones

Minor update to remove unneeded constructor in DocumentImpl class.

408 08/24/2000 06:28 PM Matt Jones

Continued code redesign for the DocumentImpl class. Now the "delete" and
"write" methods are static, so a DocumentImpl objject need not be created
in order to initiate a INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE action (it is created
implicitly by the DBSAXHandler). When doing a "READ" action, one still...

407 08/24/2000 04:47 PM Matt Jones

Folded the functionality from DBWriter into DocumentImpl, continuing the
work started earlir to create a more DOM-like model for the classes, in
which a single DocumentImpl class handles both reading and writing of
documents to the database. Modified shell scripts and MetaCatServlet to...

396 08/22/2000 11:56 PM Matt Jones

Folded the functionality from DBSAXDocument into the DocumentImpl class.
Now DocumentImpl handles both the reads and the writes to the database.
Eventually, it will implment the full DOM Document interface. Eliminated
the file as it is no longer relevant....

393 08/22/2000 10:32 PM Matt Jones

Created new class "DocumentImpl" which represents an XML Document. This
document will eventually implment the DOM Document interface. For now,
it implments all of the functionality that was present in DBReader, plus
cuts down on the number of database calls required to read a document. And...