


  • svn:eol-style: native
  • svn:executable: *
  • svn:keywords: Author Date Id Revision

# Date Author Comment
465 09/26/2000 03:06 PM berkley

Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed....

463 09/20/2000 02:50 PM berkley

added extra timing information to the main() driver method.

459 09/20/2000 01:15 PM bojilova

change Assession# generation to use the same db connection

457 09/15/2000 05:40 PM bojilova

changes related to decrease the time of INSERT of document.
With these changes I inserted 200KB file for 3 minutes, 50KB for 50sec.
This is mainly simplifing the DBSAXNode class and
using batching feature of Oracle JDBC driver.

451 09/13/2000 03:03 PM bojilova

fix bug in toXML() about getting output of XML document like:

447 09/13/2000 01:09 PM bojilova

fix for "Document not found" err message on "getdocument" action

441 09/12/2000 10:37 AM bojilova

added check from "read" permission on "query" and "squery" actions
for connected user or for "public" connection

429 09/01/2000 05:14 PM Matt Jones

Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents
is no longer a power function of the number of nodes in the document
(which used to be the case). Now, reading a document occurs entirely
within DocumentImpl, by making a single SQL call to get the document data,...

428 09/01/2000 01:47 PM bojilova

change the 2 executions in archiveDocRevision()
with 1 statement:
"insert into xml_revisions
select ... from xml_documents where docid = ..."

427 09/01/2000 12:04 PM bojilova

small changes on hasWritePermission()

425 08/31/2000 05:01 PM bojilova

storing user_owner and user_updated where needed
new function in DocumentImpl checking for "write" perm on UPDATE or DELETE
added delete from xml_index of the old version of docid on UPDATE

421 08/30/2000 11:19 AM bojilova

cleared static methods in AccessionNumber classes for fixing bug found
when multiple requests to the servlet at a time.

415 08/28/2000 01:28 PM Matt Jones

Minor update to remove unneeded constructor in DocumentImpl class.

408 08/24/2000 06:28 PM Matt Jones

Continued code redesign for the DocumentImpl class. Now the "delete" and
"write" methods are static, so a DocumentImpl objject need not be created
in order to initiate a INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE action (it is created
implicitly by the DBSAXHandler). When doing a "READ" action, one still...

407 08/24/2000 04:47 PM Matt Jones

Folded the functionality from DBWriter into DocumentImpl, continuing the
work started earlir to create a more DOM-like model for the classes, in
which a single DocumentImpl class handles both reading and writing of
documents to the database. Modified shell scripts and MetaCatServlet to...

396 08/22/2000 11:56 PM Matt Jones

Folded the functionality from DBSAXDocument into the DocumentImpl class.
Now DocumentImpl handles both the reads and the writes to the database.
Eventually, it will implment the full DOM Document interface. Eliminated
the file as it is no longer relevant....

393 08/22/2000 10:32 PM Matt Jones

Created new class "DocumentImpl" which represents an XML Document. This
document will eventually implment the DOM Document interface. For now,
it implments all of the functionality that was present in DBReader, plus
cuts down on the number of database calls required to read a document. And...