


# Date Author Comment
7013 02/16/2012 02:47 PM ben leinfelder

do not subset the list for MS generation testing -- at least not as the default in svn!

7006 02/09/2012 03:48 PM ben leinfelder

use IdMan method to find docids that do not already have system metadata records -- this lets us re-run without re computing system metadata for every entry (in case the process is interrupted). I haven' been using this option because I wanted to continually regenerate all SM for everything in my test DBs, but we are so close to release that I want to get this in there.

7005 02/09/2012 02:39 PM ben leinfelder

for testing: limit and randomize the docs to generate metadata for

7004 02/09/2012 08:39 AM ben leinfelder

FOR TESTING ONLY: limit number of records to 100 so that we can get an estimate

6999 02/08/2012 10:58 AM ben leinfelder

refactor D1-specific upgrade utilities into their own package

6981 02/06/2012 11:40 AM ben leinfelder

do not wait for SM generation to complete during the upgrade -- this way the web UI wont hang for days. the process sets a metacat property when it is complete.

6980 02/06/2012 11:38 AM ben leinfelder
6977 02/02/2012 05:15 PM ben leinfelder

do not shutdown hazelcast -- it needs to be running after the upgrade process so that Metacat actually works.
I think the newer version of HZ makes it so the threads are all released as needed.

6966 01/30/2012 02:49 PM ben leinfelder

upgrade to hazelcast so that threadpools are released when not needed (
include ant target to run a specific main class (mostly for debugging)

6964 01/27/2012 05:15 PM ben leinfelder

multithreaded implementation for processing docids for system metadata generation.
need to investigate ant/junit running that deadlocks hazelcast (config?)

6919 01/17/2012 04:21 PM Chris Jones

Use the Collections class from java.util.

6912 01/17/2012 12:06 PM ben leinfelder

-generate system meta for all docids, even those not originating on the server (replicas from the past)
-generate ORE docs and download remote data only for those documents that originated on this server being upgraded.

6911 01/17/2012 11:43 AM ben leinfelder

refactor generate system meta loop to the factory class -- to be reused in sysmeta and ORE generation

6909 01/13/2012 04:57 PM ben leinfelder

do NOT generate ORE maps or download data when we do the initial System Metadata generation -- this is deferred until D1 registration.

6908 01/13/2012 02:25 PM ben leinfelder

make more generic so that a custom list of IDs can be passed in.

6906 01/13/2012 01:31 PM ben leinfelder

insert OR update system metadata -- no need to do an update right after initial insert...

6904 01/13/2012 11:17 AM Chris Jones

In IdentifierManager.updateSystemMetadata(), add a check for invalid system metadata (fields that throw a NullPointerException on access) to ensure that system metadata is populated correctly. Updated calling classes to handle the exception.

6852 01/05/2012 12:06 PM ben leinfelder

download remote data and save locally when it is referenced by an EML package, then include it in the ORE map.

6806 12/20/2011 11:19 AM ben leinfelder

sort the docids so that "old" revisions are processed before newer ones

6721 11/30/2011 05:31 PM ben leinfelder

generating ORE maps and creating/updating system metadata now. There are some Permission conversion issues to be worked out yet

6712 11/29/2011 02:15 PM ben leinfelder

optionally include ORE generation/insertion into Metacat when generating SystemMetadata

6705 11/29/2011 12:31 PM ben leinfelder

refactor SystemMetadata creation into separate class from the MetacatHandler -- this will be shared by upgrade code and normal metacat api.

6704 11/29/2011 11:00 AM ben leinfelder

include all document revisions when generating "missing" system metadata
TODO: revision graph captured in obsoletes/obsoletedBy

6701 11/28/2011 04:09 PM ben leinfelder

simplify SystemMetadata generation -- will be done during Metacat upgrade for D1 features/support.

6384 08/31/2011 02:36 PM Chris Jones

Update classes to use the DataONE 0.6.4 schema and types. Major changes involve using BigInteger vs long in SystemMetadata.size, and using ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than Object format.

6366 07/27/2011 04:25 PM ben leinfelder

use new "v1" types from DataONE

6362 07/20/2011 03:00 PM ben leinfelder

remove CrudService -- replaced by MNodeService and CNodeService

6130 06/07/2011 02:56 PM ben leinfelder

organize imports so that it is clearer what dependencies exist on the D1 jars

6099 05/25/2011 11:59 AM ben leinfelder

-remove system metadata guid -> local id mapping (there is no document for system metadata now)
-include system metadata elements when replicating data objects (TODO: transfer all system metadata structures with the docinfo request).
TODO: remove docid+rev from the systemMetadata table definition

6097 05/24/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.