


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
6732 12/02/2011 11:27 AM ben leinfelder

close prepared statement only if not null

6721 11/30/2011 05:31 PM ben leinfelder

generating ORE maps and creating/updating system metadata now. There are some Permission conversion issues to be worked out yet

6712 11/29/2011 02:15 PM ben leinfelder

optionally include ORE generation/insertion into Metacat when generating SystemMetadata

6705 11/29/2011 12:31 PM ben leinfelder

refactor SystemMetadata creation into separate class from the MetacatHandler -- this will be shared by upgrade code and normal metacat api.

6704 11/29/2011 11:00 AM ben leinfelder

include all document revisions when generating "missing" system metadata
TODO: revision graph captured in obsoletes/obsoletedBy

6701 11/28/2011 04:09 PM ben leinfelder

simplify SystemMetadata generation -- will be done during Metacat upgrade for D1 features/support.

6551 10/27/2011 01:00 PM ben leinfelder

use logging, not system.out

6550 10/27/2011 12:40 PM ben leinfelder

change upgrade scripts/routines to use 2.0.0 version number instead of 1.10.0

6549 10/27/2011 11:35 AM ben leinfelder

make sure we close the prepared statement always

6384 08/31/2011 02:36 PM Chris Jones

Update classes to use the DataONE 0.6.4 schema and types. Major changes involve using BigInteger vs long in SystemMetadata.size, and using ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than Object format.

6366 07/27/2011 04:25 PM ben leinfelder

use new "v1" types from DataONE

6362 07/20/2011 03:00 PM ben leinfelder

remove CrudService -- replaced by MNodeService and CNodeService

6130 06/07/2011 02:56 PM ben leinfelder

organize imports so that it is clearer what dependencies exist on the D1 jars

6099 05/25/2011 11:59 AM ben leinfelder

-remove system metadata guid -> local id mapping (there is no document for system metadata now)
-include system metadata elements when replicating data objects (TODO: transfer all system metadata structures with the docinfo request).
TODO: remove docid+rev from the systemMetadata table definition

6097 05/24/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.

6025 03/29/2011 11:23 AM ben leinfelder

do each table separately with it's own connection - running into memory issues on dev.nceas running this.

6020 03/24/2011 03:10 PM ben leinfelder

use the jaxb date parser for ISO 8601 formats. the numeric and date node values are now calculated after the document has been successfully inserted in the db so any sql exceptions do not prevent the raw node data from being saved.

6012 03/16/2011 10:56 PM ben leinfelder

add support for temporal element query in pathquery